Sneak Attack and Gandalf

By jman5000, in Rules questions & answers

so I was playing coop, and my partner had a threat of 49. I played my sneak attack and drew out of my deck Gandalf. However, I gave Gandalf to my partner so he could get the benefit of the threat reduction.

I know playing ally's during the beginning of turn phase can only be placed in front of you, but is what I did legal? We felt it was because the card did not specifically say "place ally card in front of you" (or something like that).

Thoughts? Comments?



jman5000 said:

so I was playing coop, and my partner had a threat of 49. I played my sneak attack and drew out of my deck Gandalf. However, I gave Gandalf to my partner so he could get the benefit of the threat reduction.

Gandalf can only reduce your own threat, not the threat of another player.

Sneak Attack can not search your deck for a card. You have to have the ally you want to play with sneak in your hand. The sneaked ally comes into play under your control. You cannot give control to another player.

The so played ally doesn´t cost you any resources and lasts only for one phase......but you can play Sneak Attack in any phase, as it is an event.


I wasn't perfectly clear. I had Gandalf and Sneak attack in my hand. the other player had a threat of 49.

I paid my 1 resource to play sneak attack. I took out Gandalf from my hand, but gave it to my partner. now, the way I interpreted things, Gandalf is effectively his for that single phase, at which point he can then activate one of Gandalf's bonuses. The player chose threat reduction, then quested him and at the end of the quest phase, Gandalf returned to my hand.

What I am not so clear on is if I can actually play sneak attack and give that ally to my partner, instead of being forced to use the ally myself. My assumption is yes because nothing on the card says to keep the ally for myself.

Just wondering if I played that correct?



sorry for the double post:

Sneak Attack says "Action: put 1 ally card into play from your hand..."

I get the 1 card bit

I get the from your hand bit

but the "into play" part confuses me.

The rules for the Planning phase are explicit "After a player plays an ally or attachment card from his hand, he places it faceup and ready in his play area"

the rule for "Actions" states - "...In order to trigger an action on a hero, ally or attachment card, the card on which the action is printed must be in play, ..."

it says a hero, not your hero or the persons hero who is triggering the action.

so, does sneak attack require you to follow the rules for the placement of ally's in the Planning Phase, in which case, they get played in my play area, or do they follow the "action" rule, which does not specify *Which* hero, only *A* hero, leading me to believe that includes my coop partner's hero?

gah! now I'm sounding like a lawyer. :)



there are no cards that let you play allies on your partners side.. you can do this with attachments but you can not "give gandalf to your partner." or ANY other cally for that matter. (wandering took kidna can i guess)

ALL sneak atatck dose is allow you to place (untill end of phase) an ally on your own play area.. just liek playing cards normaly, and then at teh end of the phase it gose away

There is no way for gandalf to effect yoru partners threat..

rulebook page 25

When a player plays an ally card, it comes into play under his control and is placed in his play area. If another player takes control of that ally, it is moved to the controlling player's play area. Ally cards cannot be played under the control of another player, they can only change control through card effects.