Next Board Innsmouth... please?

By Stromcrow, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

You know what would be good for innsmouth. A Mechanic whereby you have to do something to SPEED UP an occurance. Gathering proof of the deepone taint for example to hasten the government assault.

This could be associated with a BGoTW style corruption of the investigater, and have a bad effect if they fail to set the government on those dirty fish loving hybrids...

ColtsFan76 said:

It seems to me, since I started following this game a couple summers ago, is that everyone wants Innsmouth . And I am sure FFG will comply, they would be foolish to ignore it.

However, I think Innsmouth may be the last big box expansion they do. That is why Kingsport slipped in first. I think people happily bought up Kingsport to tide them over until Innsmouth . But if they had been released in the other order, salesfor Kinsport might not have been so high and there would have been more cries that they are just trying to milk the line.

I don't know if there is anything else they would slip in before Innsmouth so it seems likely that will be the next expansion. I would think they may keep injecting small box expansions for as long as there is an interest.

If they want to do larger expansions after Innsmouth , I would hope they take the route of A Game of Thrones or War of the Rings and include basically a new game that uses components from the base game. My table can't hold AH, DH, and KH now, let alone IH later. But a separate board, like Mountainf of Madness, or expeditions to the Arctic or Europe or wherever would be a nice addition and probably bolster the line post-Innsmouth.

What I heard from various sources close to FFG during summer conventions over the past two years (pretty much right after the announcement that Kingsport, not Innsmouth was coming out) was that Innsmouth was being put off until after Kingsport for several reasons:

1. They wanted to lay some of the rules groundwork in Kingsport- this wasn't elaborated on, but I'm thinking aquatic movement was one of those rules they wanted to establish ahead of time (not that aquatic movement happens all that often in games I've played.) Maybe they also wanted to see how other mechanics were received before constituting things for Innsmouth Horror. After all, Innsmouth is THE Big Box Expansion everyone is longing for. Kingsport, not being as well-known, could be a sort of testing ground, as well as a fine big box expansion in its own right.

2. This was more implied than stated, but as ColtsFan76 said, they realized that Kingsport would see better while everyone was still hungering for Innsmouth rather than after Innsmouth had come out.

I also agree that Innsmouth may be the last big box expansion, and after that, I think we may see some mini expansions tailored to specific themes or stories, and any new releases with boards would use the same mechanics as Arkham (and maybe the base game components) but would be completely separate games.

Stromcrow said:

I don't know if its really encesary another small card edition. After all, all of the great Ancient Ones ar represented (Nyarlathotep at DF, Shubb at Black Goat, Hastur with King in yellow). Maybe its missing Yog Sothoth, but I don't really know how to make an avatar of him (and also, Dunwich Horror kinda fill his place).

'Umr at-Tawil, Yog-Sothoth's avatar from "Through the gates of the Silver key" by H. P. Lovecraft (based on a smaller story by E. Hoffman Price which was originally intended as a collaboration between the two authors) would work fine for a Yog-Sothoth expansion dealing with distant dimensions. There's also Aforgomon, from Clark Ashton Smith's "The Chain of Aforgomon", a god that deals with time in particular.

Similarly, there are plenty of avatars for all of the ancient ones that are available in the main box, so any of them could be used for a small expansion box.

ISDSharpe said:

Yes that would be quite cool - I remember Cthulhu by Gaslight - that had the cover with the branches reaching through a wrought iron fence for an English gent, if I recall correctly.

Yes it does. I still own the book, actually.

Someone mentioned Chaugnar Faugn earlier. He/it has always been one of my favourite Great Old Ones, so it would be thrilling to have him in the game.

Victimizer said:

Off the top of my head that leaves (and this is an incomplete list), for ancient ones: Cthugha, Zhar, Lloigor, Ubbo-Sathla, Bokrug, Daoloth, the green man, Quachil Uttaus, Bugg-Shash, Byatis, Cxaxukluth, Ghizguth, Shathak, Hzioulquoigmnzhah, Gloon, Gnophkeh, Juk-Shabb, M'Nagalah, Mnomquah, Mordiggian, Ycnagnnisssz, Oorn, Ossadogowah, Othuum, Summanus, Tru'Nembra, Vulthoom, Yegg-Ha, Zstylzhemgni...lots anyway. If we were to add other authors (even just ones from Lovecraft's circle, or other important ones such as Lin Carter or Edward P. Berglund), the list grows exponentially.

that made me smile !! you came up with those names 'off the top of your head' ? wow... and as far as i can tell you might have spelled them all correctly too sorpresa.gif . let me guess, you were a gm for a cthulhu rpg for years?

as mentioned allready, innsmouth is the only logical board to add as it is the last 'new england area' city of lovecrafts tales that doesn't have a expansion yet.

as a side note i secound the vote for Chaugnar Faugn! one of my favortie goo too.


Aye, thirded, Chaugnar Faugn is also one of my favourites. But given the game's current trends, it seems unlikely that he'll appear.

As for cthulhoid knowledge...well, I wouldn't say that I've been gm-ing for years, because it makes it sound kinda long. I found out about the Cthulhu Mythos a scant 4 or so years ago, and have been gm-ing for about 3 and a half (Call of Cthulhu, that is, though I've participated in cthulhoid rounds of My Life with Master, Conquer the Horizon and Trail of Cthulhu; also, I will be participating in a game of Pokethulhu. Next month we're starting off on CthulhuTech. There's a slew of Cthulhu Mythos board, roleplaying and video games that I own besides those too.).

I'm more of a Cthulhu Mythos reader though, so my abillity to name mythos entities stems more from that side of my hobbies, I s'pose. Nontheless: your guess is correct.

There are plenty of 'great old one'-type creatures from Lovecraft that haven't been used yet, and waaaay more once you factor in Clark Ashton Smith, Lin Carter, even Brian Lumley and about twenty other Mythos writers.

My guess for the GOOs in IH would be something like: Dagon, Mother Hydra, Bokrug, and Ubbo-Sathla. That satisfies the emphasis on 'core' Mythos, and ticks the boxes for things which are pretty much 'gods', things which are ambiguously giant monsters, and things which are just shapeless incomprehensible protoplasms with weird hyphenated names.

Mother Hydra and Father Dagon are probably going to turn out to be Heralds, I think. Some of the things in Arkham Horror are adaptations from The Call of Cthulhu RPG, in which Dagon and Hydra do not count as ancient ones. Also, given that mighty Ghroth and Tulzscha have been reduced to Heralds, I doubt that the meek uber-Deep Ones will become ancient ones.

That being said, the formula for expansions so far has been: 2 Clark Ashton Smith Deities, 1 Brian Lumley, 1 Ramsey Campbell (Dunwich Horror), with one less deity for Smith and an additional for Campbell in Kingsport Horror. One would reckon that they'd go for 1 of each Smith and Campbell and 2 of Lumley this time around, but given that Bokrug might make an appearance somehow (he could be a Herald, or like tha Tarot card set, reduced to his statuary artifact status) and that 2 examples is a bit few to make a solid case, this might turn out to be totally different.

If it does however turn out to be 1 smith, 1 Campbell and 2 Lumley, my likelihood meter tells me that the following might be a possible team of ancient ones: Ubbo-Sathla, Daoloth, Othuum, Bugg-Shash. The Lumley dieities (Bugg-Shash and Othuum) give me a warning bell though, as they are a bit less known than the deities used so far, which have all been either very well known Lovecraft entities or well known entities from the three already mentioned authors and August Derleth. If Bokrug is used in some fashion, I hope that the two other Lovecraft entities, Rhan-Tegoth and Ghatanothoa, also return in some fashion. Perhaps instead of Bugg-Shash and Othuum we will see Ghatanothoa and some derlethian critter (hopefully Zhar+Lloigor as a singleancient one card), with Rhan-Tegoth and Bokrug filling possible Herald slots (there were 2 in the kingsport expansion, maybe there will be two here as well), in which case I wouldn't mind Dagon and Hydra simply being brutal unique monsters (since you can fight star spawn and the effin' Sphinx, those two shouldn't be a problem).

If two more guardians make their appearance, they would probably be Lumley's Kthanid and Yad-Thaddag. Yad-Thaddag is not very well known though.

Useless speculation is fun.