Tome Of Corruption Norsca and Chaos careers for WFRP 3e

By Ralzar, in WFRP House Rules

I recently started a norscan campaign with my group where I just made some character creation rules up on the spot to get things going. After having played two sessions, my mind started working on how to do this properly, with the minimum amount of work, and I came up with the solution below.

I'd really like some feedback on this, as I'm planning to implement it in about a week.

Basically what I've done is made "race" rules for Norscan. These are pretty similar to the rules for Dwarfs as I felt they came closer to the concept of Norscans than the rules for Reiklanders did.
I no longer use the Career Sheets that came with the box during play. Instead I use my own character sheets that contain the talent slots from the sheet (shich is really all you need the sheet for when you're not creating the character or spending advances). So I felt no need to make new Career Sheets. After all, they're all pretty similar and it's possible to find allready existing careers that come pretty close to the norscan equivalant. They're just less "fighty" than you'd expect norse careers to be, bu that's fixed by making Weapon Skill and Resilience available from the Norscan Race rule.
What I did need though, was new Career Ability Cards. I could, for example, use the Soldier career sheet as a template for a Bondsman, but I didn't want to hand the player the Soldier Ability Card. So whenever I made a new career, I made a new Career Ability Card.
The list of careers therefor contains:
* The name of the career. Some of these names are changed from Tome Of Corruption, or had no ToC equivalent.
* The Career sheet that contains the Talent Slots and Advances information appropriate for the Career
* Any change to the Career Traits
* Any special requirements for entering the career.

The list also contains careers that as fine as they are, but simply fit whel for a norscan character. Some of these have a bit of notes on how to interpret them for a Norscan setting

Norsca Characters Rules

Children Of Norsca: During character creation, a norse character chooses two of the following skills to train: Athletics, Resilience, Weapon Skill and Nature Lore

Inured To Chaos: Norse character recieve 2 Fortune Dice to any tests to resist Corruption.

Cold Resistant: Norse recieve 1 Fortune Dice to any resilience test versus cold.

Life Is A Dream: Norse start the game with one additional Reckless Stance piece on their stance tracker.

Wounds: 10 + Thoughness

Creation Points: 20

Starting Attributes:
St: 3
Th: 3
Ag: 2
Int: 2
WP: 2
Fel: 2


Basic Careers

Performer (Even Jarls are enterntained by jugglers, acrobats and fools.)

Hunter (One of the main ways of sustenance in Norsca.)

Commoner (The other main way of sustenance in Norsca.)

Boatman (Norscans are famed sailors)

Servant (In Norsca these are thralls. People captured during rades and forced into slavery.)

Mystic (In Norsca, they go under the name Seer, but they perform the same function.)

Traits: Basic, Combat, Fanatic, Berserker
Requisite: One insanity. If this is the players starting career, draw 3 Insanities and choose one.

Sheet: Soldier

Sheet: Mercenary
Traits: Basic, Combat, Menial, Rural

Sheet: Apprentice Wizard
Traits: Basic, Wizard, Arcane, Fanatic
Requisite: Must have a Chaos wizard to teach you, and you must take the "Dark Magic" Order card.

Sheet: Boatman
Traits: Basic, Combat, Menial, Rural

Sheet: Minstrel
Traits: Basic, Menial, Social, Rural

Sheet: Burgher
Traits: Basic, Menial, Social, Specialist


Intermediate Careers

Merchant (Norscans do quite a bit of trading, even with countries they raid.)

Seer (In Norsca, these are known by the title Vitki.)

Marksman (Though Norscans generally favour melee combat, an accomplished archer is well respected.)

Sheet: Sergeant
Traits: Combat, Intermediate, Leader, Military

Chaos Warrior
Sheet: Veteran
Requisite: One Mutation

Chaos Knight
Sheet: Knight (There is no need for a custom Career Card for this class.)
Career Card: Knight
Traits: Combat, Intermediate, Military, Fanatic
Requisite: Mark of a Chaos God, which is placed in the Oath Slot

Mounted Marauder
Sheet: Outrider
Requisite: Must have acess to a mount.

Chaos Sorcerer
Sheet: Acolyte
Traits: Arcane, Intermediate, Wizard, Fanatic

Sheet: Flagellant
Traits: Combat, Intermediate, Fanatic, Berserker
Requisite: You must have completed the Berserker Career.


Well, I am building the Norsca -rules for WFRP3. Slowly, but it is all coming. Alot of new cards.

I could use help there, especially for the Careers. I have build allready few careers, but those career abilities are problematic to me. You have good ideas. Would you like to share what you come up with?

Give me post to my email: [email protected]

Great stuff. I have added access to my house rules.
