Want to make CoC even more interesting?

By MinionOfProvidence, in CoC General Discussion

Its the CoC drinking game! here are the rules

1. If a player looses a character they take a drink

2. If a players insane character dies they take two drinks

3. When story card is resolved the looser counts the amount of tokens he lost by and takes said amount of drinks

4. Finally the looser of the whole game takes two drinks (or shotguns)

Anyways, try it out and tell me what you think, this game is fun with two people but even better with three! I Recommend a Hastur deck or a Cthulu deck with lots of destructive abilities! Maybe a dimensional rift or two

MinionOfProvidence said:

Its the CoC drinking game! here are the rules

1. If a player looses a character they take a drink

2. If a players insane character dies they take two drinks

3. When story card is resolved the looser counts the amount of tokens he lost by and takes said amount of drinks

4. Finally the looser of the whole game takes two drinks (or shotguns)

Anyways, try it out and tell me what you think, this game is fun with two people but even better with three! I Recommend a Hastur deck or a Cthulu deck with lots of destructive abilities! Maybe a dimensional rift or two

Raf-swaggle, bah luoop daw don! ... *Thud*

MinionOfProvidence said:

4. Finally the looser of the whole game takes two drinks (or shotguns)

With regards to the "shotgun" variant, are we talking solid slugs or pellets? What gauge? Frankly it sounds a bit dangerous to me but maybe I'm just an old fuddy duddy :)

Ha Ha, really it all depends on your own tollerance, i normally play swigs of beer so that by the end your not blacked out next to your friends toilet, although for the end of the game i do recommend a solid shot of the most devious liquor you can get demonio.gif

Hahaha. I like it.