Player Meetup Megathread

By TheLightdarker, in Player community

New York, NY

Winchester, UK

OCTGN - Memetix

Boise, Idaho, United States of America

Vancouver, Washington. If you ever make the jaunt over from Yakima for any reason, Lightdarker, I'd be glad get together for some LotR card gaming.

Gloucester, England.

New to game but think it' s great. Hoping for Hobbit saga expansions for Chrimbo happy.gif

Bountiful, Utah

Rochester, MN, USA

Paris, France


Saint Malo, France

Cleveland, OH


San Leandro, CA

montreal, quebec

Paris, France


Bristol, England

Rockford, IL

East Moline, IL

São Paulo, Brazil

San Diego, CA, USA

Brattleboro, Vermont

Spurries: Watertown, Massachusetts

Tim O'Shea Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Phoenix, Arizona

JasonRed3 said:

New York, NY

Westbury, NY now… :)

Edited by JasonRed3

Cleveland, OH USA