Hey all,
I just got this game over the weekend and played it for the 1st time with my wife. We had a blast! But, there were a few things that confused us and I couldn't find in the rules how to properly resolve our issues. I't was most likely because we were up so late playing my brain stopped working right lol!
The 1st thing was the time track... does the day/night token ever stop on the spokes that are on the 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock positions (where one says "new day" and the other is blank) or are there only 3 day spots and 3 night spots on the time track?
2nd question: Does combat end when either a Hunter or Dracula run out of cards to play? If not, how does combat work when one of the players do not have a card to play?
3rd: If combat between a Hunter and Dracula ends, but no one is defeated (both Dracula and the Hunter are still alive) what happens?
4th: Regarding escape cards: The bat escape cards specifies that Dracula can move up to two cites but the other escape cards didn't say anything about movement. Where does the character who played the escape card go if the escape card does not specify where they can move?
I'm sure if I re-read the rulebook with a fresh set of eyes the game will be clearer... but I thought while I'm stuck at work I'll pose my questions to the experts.