2012 Championships

By Budgernaut, in X-Wing

Have you guys seen the posts about regional and world championships? I was excited to see X-wing on there. I wonder how many expansions we'll see by November. I'm also eager to get my hands on the rules and see how tournament squads will be constructed.

Budgernaut said:

Have you guys seen the posts about regional and world championships? I was excited to see X-wing on there. I wonder how many expansions we'll see by November. I'm also eager to get my hands on the rules and see how tournament squads will be constructed.

I saw X-Wing listed in World, but not in Regional...

Good point. That is interesting . . . I wonder why it's not in the regionals . . .

I think this means it must be out soon. I can't imagine them having it in the world championships without having at least several new ships out before then.

Not sure about why its missing from the regionals, but maybe its a mistake?

bsmith13 said:

Budgernaut said:

I saw X-Wing listed in World, but not in Regional...

Perhaps they won't have the game out in time for regionals, but plan to have it for World anyway for the publicity.

I am beyond amped for this game. Seeing it on the World Championship list guaranteed that I would be in Minnesota come November. Cannot wait to get my hands on this game.