Ireland...I know you youre out there...

By DerBarchen, in 7. AGoT Metagame Discussions

Im still looking for the other players in Ireland, Dublin. I know youre out there, you bought the whole Defenders of the North reprint before I could get to it...I Will Find You!

I have a small group of 3 (sometimes 4) people meeting ever Thursday (sometimes Friday) for both Joust and Melee (and sometimes booze) and we need new players! Come on, dont make me have to play on OCTGN, its not nearly as much fun!

Why do I only see this AFTER college is over?!

Hey there! I have a group of 5 friends that regularly play Game of Thrones LCG but since college is over none of us will be around Dublin until September. :/

It'd be class to meet more people round Dublin that we could play with though. We're starting to learn each others decks off by heart! Maybe closer to the start of college we could organise a few games?