Is there anymore 'A Song of Summer' Chapter packs out there?

By legionforsaken, in 5. AGoT Trade Forum

Hi All,

Im a new player from Sydney, Australia and im having a difficult time tracking down A Song of Summer chapter pack. All our major distributors cant get any in due to FFG being sold out. All the main online stores seem to be sold out as well. We have started up a regular weekly league here thats been running for about 2 months now. But with the lack of ASoS we're missing out on the Summer Season and some keystones of particular decks (summer Martell, Lannister Trait manipulation). So I turn to you the community, our greatest resource, to please aid me in your quest to located this chapter pack. Any information of Online store addresses, people willing to sell exceed packs or if FFG is planning on reprinting this cycle in the near future would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You

I asked FFG about the reprint of this chapter pack and here is their response:

"We currently have no plans to reprint AGoT LCG chapter pack a Song of Summer."

I found one copy for my self, but now I actually don't know if I need it. Probably I would consider the option of selling it after all.

Their is one copy on Amazon for $450 I nearly crapped myself