
By Caralon, in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game

Hi! My buddies and I are still figuring this game out and I think I discovered that we are doing Control wrong.

What is the point of controlling a space by leaving a power token on it when you march out?

The way we had been playing was that you could place an order on any territory that you had a unit on, OR that you had a control token on. This seems to be wrong, and makes no sense anyways. But, then . . . what is the control for? Can someone just explain this mechanic for me?

When you leave a control token on a space you move out of, you accrue the benefits of the symbols on that space (Strongholds/Castles, Crows, Barrels) for upcoming Westeros phases. When 'Mustering', 'Supply', or 'Game of Thrones' cards are drawn, you certainly want to have as many tokens and/or units on the spaces w/ the corresponding icons as possible.

Also, routed enemy units cannot retreat into spaces in which you've placed power tokens.

Lastly, if you choose not to (or cannot) leave a power token when vacating a Stronghold or Castle, you must move yourself down one space on the Victory Track.

...and to answer your question, you only place orders on spaces containing units (not power tokens)

Aha! Thanks!