While I understand tiers 'n ranks 'n the sort, that doesn't mean the character isn't a good character. People have always chosen the players such as Sonic, Lucario, Snake, Meta Knight, Shiek, 'n the sort for their speed 'n power. 'N I understand that Lucas is not a power hitter, nor very fast. But that doesn't mean that he's not good. In the hands of the right person, even Olimar 'n Bowser are great characters. People have found their character through the process of findin their fightin style, 'n certainly I know Lucas to be my style. 'N he has killin power, too!
'N yes, the lag has happen'd in a couple of the games, but that's not where I'm goin with it. I fought one group enough times (yes, they stay'd the same character through 'n through, color 'n all) that they started tryin to gang up on me (when you see them standin on the same platform waitin for me to get back on the stage while just tauntin, you know they're not playin fair then). That's actually when the matches started gettin funny.
I can honestly state that I've enjoy'd playin people, even when they don't have the greatest sportsmanship. 'N certainly, I would give anyone a go with Lucas, for good times sake!
So long as we can enjoy a good match.