Hi, welcome to Anarchy and Champ's Brawl Private Disscussion, becasue apparently, somehow this whole topic has changed to Brawl between me and him...so yeah...
Anarchy and Champ's Private Super Smash Bros. Brawl Disscussion (Because nobody else talks about it, or what this used to be, which was Nintendo's line-up, so...yeah, you get the point, why is this title so long?)
nintendo wii's last big hit was brawl and thats some big shoes to fill
indeed it is (random filler because the new FFG forum won't let me just post "indeed is is"...stuck up jerks (lol jk (really (plz dont ban me)))
It sometimes annoys me too....
I fill with dots.....................................................................................................................................................
Anyways, yeah brawl was the last hit, but if you are just looking for good games, I guess Sonic and the Black Knight looks interesting. You may also want to get Wii Sports Resort when it comes out to improve the motion sensing on your wiimote as well as a sequel to Wii Sports...
I'll try that, of the DS, I definitly know 2 things I'm getting in the near future!!! Pokemon Platinum and...it's kind of obvious especially being on this site, I'll let you try to figure it out....
For the Wii, I don't know...Card_Breaker, you have a Wii? If so, do you have Brawl and a wifi connection?
TheChampIsHere said:
I'll try that, of the DS, I definitly know 2 things I'm getting in the near future!!! Pokemon Platinum and...it's kind of obvious especially being on this site, I'll let you try to figure it out....
For the Wii, I don't know...Card_Breaker, you have a Wii? If so, do you have Brawl and a wifi connection?
Yeah, yeah, and yeah. Do I play often?, not recently because of school, other games (ACCF), and me trying to learn Japanese...not that easy memorizing like 400 symbols which are just the Hiragana and Katakana...Kanji is gonna take a while for me because I'll need to know Hiragana and Katakana first... I'm planning on studying a little each day until I can identify every symbol, then increase my vocab every day, then learn the various Kanji...
Nintendo is working on remaking some games from gamecube to wii Pikmin and Mario Power Tennis from what I know now adding wii controls and changing things here and there
Card_Breaker said:
TheChampIsHere said:
I'll try that, of the DS, I definitly know 2 things I'm getting in the near future!!! Pokemon Platinum and...it's kind of obvious especially being on this site, I'll let you try to figure it out....
For the Wii, I don't know...Card_Breaker, you have a Wii? If so, do you have Brawl and a wifi connection?
Yeah, yeah, and yeah. Do I play often?, not recently because of school, other games (ACCF), and me trying to learn Japanese...not that easy memorizing like 400 symbols which are just the Hiragana and Katakana...Kanji is gonna take a while for me because I'll need to know Hiragana and Katakana first... I'm planning on studying a little each day until I can identify every symbol, then increase my vocab every day, then learn the various Kanji...
I'm learning Japanese too! What are you using to learn? I'm not sure if I want to get that Rosetta Stone thingy....
TheChampIsHere said:
Card_Breaker said:
TheChampIsHere said:
I'll try that, of the DS, I definitly know 2 things I'm getting in the near future!!! Pokemon Platinum and...it's kind of obvious especially being on this site, I'll let you try to figure it out....
For the Wii, I don't know...Card_Breaker, you have a Wii? If so, do you have Brawl and a wifi connection?
Yeah, yeah, and yeah. Do I play often?, not recently because of school, other games (ACCF), and me trying to learn Japanese...not that easy memorizing like 400 symbols which are just the Hiragana and Katakana...Kanji is gonna take a while for me because I'll need to know Hiragana and Katakana first... I'm planning on studying a little each day until I can identify every symbol, then increase my vocab every day, then learn the various Kanji...
I'm learning Japanese too! What are you using to learn? I'm not sure if I want to get that Rosetta Stone thingy....
just online sites like:
and various other sites.
Anarchy_In_The_Galaxy said:
nintendo wii's last big hit was brawl and thats some big shoes to fill
Not really, because Brawl sucked.
Melee > Brawl every day.
Trothael said:
Anarchy_In_The_Galaxy said:
nintendo wii's last big hit was brawl and thats some big shoes to fill
Not really, because Brawl sucked.
Melee > Brawl every day.
I could find a group of people that go against that quite fast. Just last week my friends and I were all "Lets play some melee" after that we compared brawl to melle and characters are so much heavyer in melee then brawl, and somewhat slower overall.
A lot of people liked Melee better only because the amount of characters...if you compare the original Super Smash Bros. to Melee, there was a huge difference, in characters, stages, items, everything. Now compare Brawl to Melee...still different but no where near as big of a difference. I think that if you compare them all, Brawl is best, but only comparing it too its past predecesor, Melee will win in that category.
I liked melee but I didn't find enough characters that I really liked other then Roy plus melle also had the clones
Brawl is no exception...they basically made a trio...Wolf, Fox, and Falco, Wolf is kind of different, but come on, we all know it was just Nintendo being so lazy...
My reason for liking Melee over Brawl is a bit more in-depth than the characters. Although the new characters were a bit....meh...They replaced Roy with Ike. Now, I know who Marth and Roy are but I've got no clue who Ike is...I also despise the fact that all Ike is, is an arial version of Roy, after I spent weeks mastering Roy on Melee using an Arial style.
But I digress...one of my major reasons for disliking Brawl in comparison to melee?:
Brawl's physic's system SUCKS the proverbial....I'll end that sentence there...
Melee is faster that Brawl by so much, for a superior console (In comparison to the Gamecube), the Wii doesn't seem to be capable of handling the physics engine of Melee. Brawl is not only slower than Melee by quite a bit, but everybody seemingly floats to the ground instead of falling properly, the game gives players far too much time to save themselves. To compensate for this engine, the character's speeds seem to have been nerfed rather severely as well. For example: Fox McCloud: Runs slightly faster, but with the new physics engine it is nigh on impossible to keep control of him since surfaces are more slippery than they were in Melee resulting in more of Fox running off the edge of the map.
All Brawl added to the series was more clone characters and destructible maps, maps which I didn't require in the first place. And it did add more control over Captain Falcon which was a boon.
Well, some people disliked the gravity in Melee, at sometimes it was too fast, and for someone just learning to play that game, it was very easy to just put down the controller and quit. I believe that they made the gravity too slow, and I do agree with the speed difference. The reason why Roy was taken out, was because he was what Fox was to Falco...an exact replica, he had the exact same moves with only a little difference here and there with power. Ike is more popular among the Fire Emblem fans now I believe because he has stared in mostly all of them (if not all of them)...they also did change some characters like Shiek...in this game Shiek's power was decreased a lot, along with Zelda's...Shiek is now more of a combo person who must use grabs to win, hard hitting won't do the trick unless they are well over 150%. I had to completely let Shiek go, and turn for her alternate persona Zelda, who I find in this game is a lot better than Shiek in the last game. Is Brawl perfect...no.
This is my idea though...if Nintendo was smart, they would re-release Brawl, and everybody would have to buy it again...but, this new Brawl would have the feature of downloadable content....I would re-buy Brawl for DLC...that would be amazing...if so, they would have a chance to bring back Roy, Mewtwo,Pichu, and even more lovable foes that have yet to touch the big screen.
melee had too many clones and somewhat usless characters. ganondorf was an exact copy of captain falcon, dr mario( one of the stupidest ideas) was exactly like mario, Roy was exactly like marth and sadly falco just like fox, with young link and link exactly the same. Mewtwo and pichu were just bad ideas and mewtwo could have been so much cooler but they screwed him over. Now in brawl they eliminated most of the clones by creating unique move sets for the clones they kept. Falco got a new move line up and the moves that were still like fox were tweaked to be new, same thing with ganondorf and toon link. THey became what people call "luigi-fied clones". And they they dumped the stupid charcters. They also said at a conference about brawl that it was meant to be a more fun party game then a competetive one like melle was. Thats why you acn trip and fall and jump off your opponents head. In essence brawl is better because if you still try to play it competeivly you have to worry about these little things so no one can get too good.
The only real problem with brawl is one character actually: Meta Knight. He is one of everyones favorites cuz hes so cool but in brawl hes much to fast and over powered for a light character and those who dfisagree with me have never palyeda good meta knight then. THe only counter character to metaknight is another Meta knight so players are scraed that he will dominate torunament paly.
I proposed an answer much like champs, since the tournamnet holders set their own rule then make a new version of brawl with meta knight taken out for a new character. This way tournys can decide if they want to have mdk involved or the new version. I think brawl has too much going on for it to have downloadable content sadly but its a good idea.
Phew... THere thats my brawl rant. I play it very competeivly so i always love to talk about it. I have one 3 tournys got fourth at gencon and second in my most recent one( because of stupid smash balls) in case anyones interested
I don't play it competively, but I've heard I can, because I have been told I have a very good Zelda, except on wifi...I have to resort to spamming C-stick up (charging it though), and Din's Fire....
Melee did have clones, and yes, it was competitive, the problem with this being more of a party game, is that if you did trip or head jump in a tournament and then you lost, that person will often throw a very big fit, complaining how it was the tripping and head-jumping that screwed them over, but if not for those, they would have definitly won...
Metaknight is a very good character, but there is a huge problem with him. I don't know exactly what happens, but a Pit, Lucas, or Zelda can hit him while in flight, sending him straight down without hurting him, if this is done properly, they will just fall at a rate too fast too recover, often, they just fly straight to their death. Another thing is, yes, it is deifinitly too good, but someone who if very good with Wario, Ike, or Captain Falcon can really hurt him badly. In the numerous tournaments I have witnessed, I Metaknight has been most often taken out by one of them...
Anarchy, who do you play as? I play as the feminine characters: Zelda and Peach
my first and only love in brawl and melee is Falco, out of all the star fox characters in brawl he is actually undisputed as the best thanks to brawl reall screwing up fox. Plus hes very cocky and I like his attitude and his taunts are great mind games. In a tourny I would actually be pissed if someone toadstool jumped( head jumped) or tripped into a smash which resulted in my death. I wouldnt say I would have neccesasarily one but it feels like a wasted life at times who knows what coulda happened in the match but if i was doing very well only to die like that id be pissed. I have never heard about those things with metaknight they sound like spikes to me but i will have to take a look. e fact is metaknight boasts lightening fast attacks and spped which can nurf any possible combos or strategy one might go in with. If he knocks you into the air of the edge a good mdk will **** you trust me it happend to me hes just to fast. THank god I play a top tier character like Falco who can chain grab him and laser spam.
In order to verse a MetaKnight, you have to be another one, someone who has a chain grab, or a considerable fast projectile that can stop him (faster than Din's Fire). It isn't a spike, for instance there was a Zelda who did Din's Fire and that white circle went around him so it didn't hurt him, but he went straight down to his death. I don't like Falco, his chain grab is too cheap in my opinoin...but you know who has the cheapest grabs...Ice Climbers....if you verse an Ice Climber with good grabs, you really cannot win...I'm serious...I'm not the expert at them, but I've seen ways to get over 40-50% on one grab...and then they chain you...
falcos more then just a cahin grab which he cant use after a certain amount of damage tahts when you ahve to break out your teching with him, ice climbers have their grabs but tahts really all they have avoid it and you'll **** them no problem. I really am curious about this mdk glitch or whatever you wanna call it, does it work on other characters or just him, dont suppose you ahve a link to a video or something
I've never searced actually...try it, I've seen it in 2 tournaments I went too. One of the people who did that too him was a Pit, who ended up losing. The other was a Falco who won doing that...Ice Climbers only have grabs...but they can do it at any damage...so if you verse someone w/ experience at that....your close to screwed...
at every tourny ive been too ice climbers never show up just pits mdks pikachus diddys and the occassional snake, people flock to easy to use characters i think so they can win with out putting alot of time into to it, I parcticed long and ahrd to be in my opinion and pretty darn good falco,I'd love to test my skills against some of the falcos whose videos taught me my moves though.
Trust me, they tend to be a lot better then they are in the videos. I had a really good Zelda, but then I stopped playing, when I was really good, I versed some of them. I got them down to their last life, but only maybe 10% into it before they just finished me...honestly, I characters I see most are:
Meta Knight
I see some Pikachus, but they always get out in Round 1, Pits maybe Round 2...
You what I really want to do, get really good at Peach...there is a video on Youtube of someone kicking a lot of something as Peach...