man i got into this game when it's kind of dead

By sotaro, in Battlelore

after i got fed-up with GW and swear to myself that from now on i will not buy any games made my them.... i went to my local game store and pick battlelore up and after a few games i fail inlove with the game so i try to find more expansion and got a few.... but now i am sad to hear that the game is kind of dead does anyone hear anything otherwise??? i wish there are more race elves undead etc...

Still hope out here that more is coming for BattleLore, but nothing to indicate that it is.

Here's a nice thread I use to remind myself of what may well come (if not from FFG, perhaps somewhere else).

Also, I am hoping for some rejuvenation of the game through the updated Vassal Module (playing a game right now :) ) Please email me if you are interested in playing on that format: t_rewoldt at

Even if nothing more is released for this game, stands wonderful as is, and certainly begs for players to be creative in expanding it.

As much as I hate to self promote I did spend (perhaps too much time) doing a load of home brew races, random terrain rules, campaign rules, rules for freelances and some other stuff. If you're interested you can download it here . If you hook it up with Heroes Call to Arms, creatures and dragons expansions you should be good for a long long time. There's also a load of race expansions to hunt down too.

So keep the dream and flame alive ;-)


indeed. maybe its dead for FFG. its not dead to us. players.

Six different players on Vassal Module at one time this morning! Be still my beating heart ;) Seriously, though, I am hoping that is a trend that continues upward. People who play this game like it.