Regarding the Cosmic Alliance rules... and appropriate ages for CE in general.

By MarkHB, in Cosmic Encounter

While the actual rules themselves seemed straightforward (at least to me), this note at the end which first appeared in the Cosmic Conflict rules puzzles me (apologies if this was discussed when the CC rules came out):


First, while it's a bit more sophisticated than a ragdoll Dora the Explorer, I'd submit that a game is , in some vital respects, a toy. Second, while I could see a warning about 3 years of age or younger since the ships could present a choking hazard, is 13 really necessary?

Finally and somewhat related, what do you all see as the general lower age bound for CE? I seem to recall a discussion on the topic here long ago but couldn't find it.

There are some very stringent new regulations requiring expensive testing of "toys" for various toxic substances. This is causing various game manufacturers to add that "NOT A TOY ARGH" stipulation to their products.

Peter Olotka, one of the original game designers, plays this with his very young daughter. I would be comfortable teaching the base game with green aliens and no optional rules to my 8-year-old nephew. As always with kids, your mileage may vary.

I'd say 10 year olds would do fine with the game. Use green aliens, no flares and no artifacts. As long as they understand how to use their alien's power before the game starts, the basic game would be fun and easy to understand for them.

Depends on how smart the kid is, of course. I think my daughter was playing Cosmic at eight or nine. We would have started at five if she hadn't been such a freaking moron.

Thanks, everyone. I have a pair of 8-year-old twin nieces who are pretty smart (they've essentially been pushing each other along since birth). The next time they stay over I might try to introduce them to the game. My thought now might be to start with some of the easier-to-understand aliens, e.g. the six from the CEO free edition. I had one adult (non-gamer) friend who played once, as Sorcerer, and the usefulness of the power was somewhat lost on her for a while. But the basic 6 from CEO are at least easy to get the hang of.