These pyromancy powers are a huge score for my Ex-Salamander Sorcerer! Any news as to when we can expect the additions? Sorry to pester... but I'm super excited/intrigued.
Forbidden Lore: An unofficial supplement by Nathan "N0-1_H3r3" Dowdell
Just a little bump, another request for "more, more!"
No pressure. Just a bunch of spoiled people expecting more for less (well, nothing), and NOW!
(I meant: Thank you)
N01_HER3, I must say that I am dreadfully excited for seeing what you do with Obliterators.
Also, thank you for the Eldar stats! The weapons proved most invaluable in my own homebrew.
Ch405 said:
Sorry about this, but since you were talking about precog dodge, is it meant to be a psyniscience test instead of a perception test? My reasoning is that people can buy up dodge which leaves precog in the dust if it's not psyniscience based.
Consider the following:
A Renegade can start the game with Dodge +10 before spending starting experience. Raising it to +30 can cost him from 1000 to 1750 exp, depending on his alignment at the time when he buys the advances.
A Psyker can start the game with Precognitive Dodge and PR3 before spending starting experience. With a Psychic Focus (a starting item for him as well), he can dodge at Perception +15 if he uses the power Unfettered, or Perception +5 if used Fettered. For the price it takes the Renegade to max out Dodge, he can increase his Psy Rating to 4 or even 5. At PR 5, he rolls his precog dodge at Per +25 Unfettered or Per +10 Fettered.
Unlike the Renegade, who maxes out his dodge at Agility +30, the Psyker can improve his PR further. Maximally, with PR 10, a Psy Focus and a Psychic Hood, he can make dodge attempts at Perception +55 Unfettered or Perception +30 Fettered.
Improving your Psy Rating is quite expensive, it being a Tier 3 Unaligned Talent, but it also helps you in many, many more things than just dodging.
All in all, I don't see how Precognitive Dodge is the weaker option here.
EDIT: And since the topic is Forbidden Lore: this addon seems really nice. Good job, Nathan (and pardon me for calling you by name, but spelling out your nickname gives me a headache)! I will have more constructive feedback once I give it a serious read-through. In the meantime, I'm anxiously awaiting updates!
Apologies for the lack of response of late. I've been hugely busy recently, starting a new (and exhausting) job and working on things that shall remain secret for the time being. My time available for writing has been little of late, and professional deadlines obviously take priority over my own projects.
Why, why must the two things I'm most interested in be in part 3??? (Flesh-crafting and Obliterater Virus)
Fenrisnorth said:
Why, why must the two things I'm most interested in be in part 3??? (Flesh-crafting and Obliterater Virus)
It should be noted that I'm not necessarily working on things in the order they're listed in the work-in-progress…
You are truely a scion of Chaos, then. I am willing to make the necessary sacrifices, oh Keeper of Secrets.
Fenrisnorth said:
You are truely a scion of Chaos, then. I am willing to make the necessary sacrifices, oh Keeper of Secrets.
Speaking as someone who has had an Eldar army for most of his life, I'm not too keen on the choice of honorific.
Besides, I see myself as more of a Dark Mechanicus Magos than any form of daemon (hence my forum avatar)… many are the tools at my disposal, abundant is the lore I have gathered, and dark is the path I walk.
You have Secrets, you Keep them… What more can I say?
Just dropping by to say that I really appreciate the work you have done in converting the good ol' Dark Heresy powers to Black Crusade. It kinda rustled my jimmies that the psychic power section was so streamlined to just "power"-powers and that real utility powers were quite few. But now that you have confirmed my thoughts that it was done because of word limit they have reverted to their unrustled(although chaotic) state.
Its always nice to have other things to do with your reality bending powers given to you by the Dark Gods than just killing/mutilating/mutating your enemies in new and interesting ways.
Any thoughts on further Rituals and such? Would love to hear some ideas you have on that subject since I have found it quite hard to balance rituals that aren't centered mainly on summoning daemons and such.
Thanks for the great work!
Having just rolled a Tzeenchian Heretek I must say I am looking forward to the maletek section with bated breath.
Good work and keep it up
*whistles innocently*
Hi! How are ya? Got any more sweet toys for us? Still busy with crazy new job? Hardly working?
Replying to myself here, but I noticed that Hand of Fate has a few of these powers covered. And they're a wee bit different than the unofficial ones in this supplement
Darth Smeg said:
Replying to myself here, but I noticed that Hand of Fate has a few of these powers covered. And they're a wee bit different than the unofficial ones in this supplement
I didn't work on Hand of Fate, so those powers were written by someone else.
To the matter of the main topic, I've got some more free time now, so I'll have the opportunity to add more to Forbidden Lore over the next few weeks.
Fantastic stuff so far. Looking forward to the rest of it.
Question; would you allow these psychic powers in an Only War game? I think all they really would need is a Psy Rating requirement on some of them.
Hi N0-1_H3r3,
Thank you for the great stuff! Awesome work.
I can imagine you work on this during your spare time, so, i understand perfectly the pace is slow.
Yet, can we expect some updates in a near future? Or is this project in stand-by for now?
Thanks for reply!
Anyone else noticing the link to No1's stuff leads to a blank page?
It does. Mega-sad
Any chance of that being fixed or an alternative source being posted?
Any news on what happened to the site ??
Or an alternative source fo this material? I have some of it somewhere I think, but I am sure not all of it.
Fantastic work. It's good to see the old classics return. However, for the purpose of constructive criticism:
Since BC seems to have taken quite the stance on trimming the fat, as it were, on the old disciplines in favor of somewhat wider powers, I think combining a few powers, primarily Pyromancy's Call Flame+Sculpt Flame and Biomancy's Shape flesh+Cellular control into bigger, more inclusive and more expensive powers would be a worthwhile idea.
I still feel Cellular Control's risk is far, far too high. On a couple of unlucky tests, your average human psyker could kill himself with that power in two rounds flat. Changing it to simply 1 point of damage per failed test would, I think, be a lot better. I mean, if you're gonna sustain a power that keeps you alive, I'd think it a good idea that said power didn't risk killing you sooner than whatever it was protecting you from.
Levitation: I wonder if increasing the cost on this, in exchange for allowing it to ignore Flight and Hover's requirement for a move action every round, could be a good idea. Makes a bit of thematic sense, and helps counteract the already included costs for Sustaining a power and the fact that to use it, the sustain effectively becomes a half action.
Catch Projectile: The phrasing here has the same issue as Precognitive dodge. "Passed a Dodge test" is somewhat unclear on how to treat multiple hits attacks. Does the character dodge all, or merely one (they passed by scoring one DoS) or do they count DoS on the focus power test as if it was the Evasion test? Likewise, considering the fact that this is somewhat of a very limited version of Precognitive Dodge, I can't help but feel that it's very underpowered and somewhat redundant. Sure, the visual is cool, but it's just not worthwhile, in my mind. Honestly, I'd say increase the cost significantly, and possibly the sustain to a half-action, and make the character negate any ranged projectile attack on a successful willpower test, with no reaction needed.
Hopefully helpful, and not too nitpicky
Also, as an old Tzimisce fan, that fleshcrafting teaser is looking real **** tempting! Real curious to see what you got planned there, alongside the rituals.
Though I suspect I'd get punched by one of my fellow players if I didn't urge you to finish those obliterator virus rules too.
Quoted for reference only.
Given that much of this information shows up in the Tomes, I'd wager that Nathan quite unintentionally violated one or more NDAs and was forced by legal action to take the site down. That's just a guess, though.
Hopefully he fixes the nda's and re-uploads the rest of the content. I would really like a look at it.
I don't have all of the most recent supplements so I'm not positive, but the last time I see Dowdell's name in an 40kRP product I have is spring of this year- in Hammer of the Emperor- which is evidently about the same time folks noticed that his site was leading to a blank page.
I draw no public conclusions, but offer up the above readily available evidence and will allow you to speculate on your own. If anyone knows whether he has been credited more recently, feel free to say (or Nathan could show up here and say for himself, but he may not be permitted, legal matters being what they are).