Alien/Aliens the BG

By ClockworkHorror, in The Crystal Ball and The Wishing Well

With Prometheus by Ridley Scott on the way and Aliens: Colonial Marines coming from Gearbox Software, I really think a new Alien or Aliens board game shod be in the works. :) And FFG should be the ones to do it. :)

Nuff said?

i agree i no there was an older alien game a long time ago but that was way before my time i would love to see ffg make a brand new aliens game or starship troopers for that matter

Aliens should definitely be a pick-up for FFG. That will really help their publicity especially if they can get a small piece of advertisement insert in the video game's box and DVD/BD release of their official board game.

Oh, heck yeah! That could potentially reach a large audience, too. :)