Dice rolling for starting stats.

By Grimze, in Deathwatch House Rules

I have been playing d100 for a long time, and i am at the moment GM of 4 members who try the campaign: Emperor Protects.

I know the setup is for 5 men normally, and one of the 5 players left, so now we are 4 players and the GM.

Normally for a group i wish them to reroll 1's on the rolls, until they get another result on the die.

Since they are 4 players, i wish them to have stronger stats cause of the lack of a member.

So i decided to this.

Roll 10x2d10. There are 9 stats, so the 10th roll is an additional roll, so they have some stats to switch between.

All 1's and 2's are rerolled. this means min. stat is 36. (30+2x3).

After all rolls are done, they use the Emperor's mercy, a reroll for the lowest stats.

This rolls means that they have very high stats, even one member of the team have stats were the lowest were 43, 5x48, 49, 50 and some between 43-48.

I'm very curious if they can survive and defeat the Diablodon on the hunt. They don't have the common space marine gear then they hunt, remember.

They are BA Sanq. priest, DA Dev., SW Scout, Salam. Tech-marine..

What are your opinions about this choice cause of their lack of a Kill-team member?

Whether they have WS 41 or 47 doesn't really make that much difference. I am also not so sure if TEP can't be more or less run with 4 PCs.
If you think the players might have trouble, I'd rather assign the team a weapon that they couldn't have with their current renown level, like a meltagun or sth like that.


In my game the Devastator punched the diabolodon to death so.

As for TEP, I would agree, I ran it with 5 but no more than 4 ever showed up on a given night for whatever reason; the characters didn't have much trouble until the final confrontation (where they intentionally had spread out amongst the crowd). All survived with all of their limbs (which actually did surprise me).

And +1 to giving them things- simply dial the enemies back as the GM or give them a boost such as access to better gear or give them a pece of better gear outright if you think there will be a struggle.

Grey Knight in the group beat the diablodon silly... Then again it did chew apart the DA Assault Marine >.>

Grey Knight in the Deathwatch? HERESY!

Yeah! Now if they were an Exorcist that would totally work. Who uses Grey Knights in Deathwatch anyways? They are the Ordo Malleus, not the Ordo Xenos.

I thought most Astartes didn't even know that the Grey Knights exist.

bogi_khaosa said:

I thought most Astartes didn't even know that the Grey Knights exist.

Pretty much.