Strategy Card

By San, in Tide of Iron

One of Command deck cards states something like "Action phase: before your opponent takes an action immediately do bla-bla-bla". When exaclty can I resolve it - before or afte r the opponent declares his action?

The way we play, is we anounce what action we are about to take and then if that deck is in play the card can be played as it is still before that action has happend

Yet another question about using strategy cards.

Let I have 4 units and my opponent has 10. It is two actions per turn. All of my units have been activated, and I have an opportunity to use stratehy cards after every two opponent's actions. But am I allowed to use an strategy card, which removes an activation token from my squad and take an action with this squad after my opponent has finished his action turn?

I think I understand what you are saying,

if all your units are activated and your opponent has just taken 2 actions, you can play that card (i think it's "all or nothing" that u describe)

but you have to take 2 actions so you would have to take an action with the unit that you just removed the token from. you can't take 1 action and then pass as this means your action phase is finished and you can no longer take anymore actions that round.

Also if all your units where activated last turn and it is your turn again, you have to do 2 actions or else you have to say your action phase is over and then your opponent can take all his actions. So you can't say im not taking any actions then have your opponent take 2 then you say you are going to use a card , as soon as you say you are not taking any actions your round ends and you can't play anything else that round (apart from any units in op fire)

Aussie_Digger said:

So you can't say im not taking any actions then have your opponent take 2 then you say you are going to use a card , as soon as you say you are not taking any actions your round ends and you can't play anything else that round (apart from any units in op fire)

Thanks a lot.