Warping Boards?

By Muad''dib, in War of the Ring

I thought I remembered something about FFG replacing warping WotR boards (this was happening in the latest reprint). I do not see that info on this new site. Are replacement boards still being offered?

They are probably still offered. FFG only put up this site a couple of days ago, and haven't moved everything over from the old one yet.

There is a link at the very bottom of the main page that says "User Support". You could try submitting a form that way.

I initially saw that offer a few months back. I came back today to finally put in an order as I now need a change of board. Looking forward to the offer going back online soon.

I Think the board is already very good, could use only a few modifications, what I do really wanted to see improved was the game cards, they could replace it like the confrontation game, Improvement the artwork and the font size, it is too small atm

I was very impressed with the speed my replacement board arrived with me in the UK - less than 2 weeks after I e-mailed FFG the board was here.

Excellent customer service!!

The link was on the site Friday. As Joram said it probably just hasn't been moved.

Thursday I setup the game so we could give it a first play Friday night. Friday noticed the warped boards, checked that they could be replaced, and then tried to play with them as is. After finding the warped boards troublesome went back Saturday to request new boards and the page was gone.

I purchased this game recently and received an excellent replacement board from FFG's customer service. Thaad as always was great!

I contacted customer service about the warping problem and received new boards very quickly. Thanks Thaadd.

Thaad is the man, he has been responsible for solving more than one dilemma for me... Thumbs up!

Xookliba said:

Thaad is the man, he has been responsible for solving more than one dilemma for me... Thumbs up!

I'm in agreement, apart from the pronouns part, Thaad being of the fairer sex and all cool.gif .

Great googly moogly!! sonrojado.gif

Sorry, Thaad!! Make that "WO-man"

I also sent a mail for the replacement boards.Should I receive a reply to that mail?Or do they ship the package without notification?

the replacement parts just arrived.in a week! awesome services.thank you FFG

A+ to FFG and Thaad! Two weeks after I asked about it, the board is with me in Finland. That's some good customer service!