Here are the cards i'm currently looking for:
Core Set
Power of Blood
Ser Barristan Selmy
I'm You Writ Small
Kings of the Storm
Narrow Escape x3
Princes of the Sun
Ser Arys Oakheart x2
Clash of Arms
Questioned Claim x2
Time of Ravens
Tower of Joy x3
King's Landing
Ser Meryn Trant x3
Ser Mandon Moore
Tyrion Lannister
Defenders of the North
Songs of Bael the Bard x3
Balerion the Black x2
Tale of Champions
Jalabhar Xho x3
Ser Jaime Lannister x3
Tower of Joy, I'm You Writ Small, and Ser Meryn Trant are my top priorities.
With the exception of a handful i've already traded, i can offer almost any Greyjoy card. Beyond that feel free to email me your want list at thejibboo@yahoo and i'll let you know what i have.