Hey guys. It's my first post on the forums so I decided (before going to the more serious topics) to post a pic or two here of my work. I figured what harm could it do, and besides it's what I like most about the hoby. So far I've done one Killteam, "codenamed" Lazarus (after their superior
) Hopefully I'll have a devastator and an Assault marine in there soon.
Unfortunately I don't have the true Deathwatch shoulder pads so I had to make due for now, and the bases really didn't need any kind of work since these are exclusively for RPG use.
Anywho, here they are so, enjoy
Imperial fists Librarian, Dark angels Tactical, Ultramarines Team leader, Black Templars Tactical, Salamanders Devastator (sans the heavy weapon
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And a better look at the librarian: