Midnight - either 4e or systemless

By zanshin2, in The Crystal Ball and The Wishing Well

It looks like Wizards have thrown a real spanner in the works with their OGL rules .

What would be a shame would be for a system and setting as great as Midnight to be lost in the legal mix.

Heres hoping it could be given a future as either a multisystem, or new system setting, or even as 4e. Maybe the Paizo pathfinder system would work?

If anyone else is interested in finding out more about this great FFG system check out http://www.againsttheshadow.net/index.php , for loads of great free material.

I've been waiting for some time for an announcement from FFG regarding Midnight. I'm starting a new Midnight group in two weeks time and everyone who's been introduced to the source material loves it! As for the future of Midnight, I’m at a point where I think I’d just like to confirm that Midnight is completely, officially gone forever in the eyes of FFG. The waiting is frustrating! Midnight represents the very best in D&D gaming for those of us who are interested in a gritty, dangerous world where character skill (not magic items hoarded) defines success or failure. It would be a shame were this wonderful system to go the way of the dodo…

/rant off

I would very much like to see Midnight done with Pathfinder rules. Perhaps Midnight Third Edition is in order? I don't know if FFG made any money on that campaign setting, but based on the number of published products, I imagine they did. It would be a shame for Midnight to go the way of Birthright.

I heard that FFG is working on a new editions of Midnight but is this true I don't know.