Where is Omega?

By Bertomar, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

So, I have the Core Book and Gaia and I can't find any references to Omega in either of them. I've only perused the fluff section of the Core and Gaia, but Omega did not catch my eye. Can someone please tell me? Thanks.

He is found in Those who Walked Amongst Us. The bestiary.

Ah. Well, there's no way I'm getting that any time soon. Could you please tell me a little about him? All I could find on the net was that he's supposed to some sort of "Harbinger of the End Times". A little more info would be good. Origin and stats, in particular.

Seriously just get the book, their is way to much information just to share, plus it wouldn't be fare to share such stuff. Just buy the book yes its expensive, but its well worth the money to further your games.

No kidding! Every book is chock full of fluff and stuff.

Just to make it more interesting Omega is so named because it is the creature that will eventually destroy reality. So ya, get the book.

to be brief:

Abel was dealt the final blow by an undefined descendant of Andromalius (last Emperor of Solomon), who thanks to the machinations of Millenium had come into possession of a Pillar of Souls (a weapon from a bunch of 20 created by Imperium with the objective of creating the perfect weapon to destroy Shajads/Beryls/Gaira/C'iel). The Pillar of Souls peculiarity is sucking-up all Gnosis and powers from the target, so it can become stronger through ages. Now when the Pillar sucked the AWESOME Gnosis of Abel (supposedly a Protodeus of high level from Imperium), the nanomachines inside the blood of Andromalius' descendant went completely mad and somehow interferred with the whole stuff.

As a consequence the unnamed guy is turned in a monster of pure power and madness, which creates a completely new pocket-dimension for itself, where it resides. Sometimes it sends avatar into Gaia (The Shadows of Omega). Imperium so far has been unable to go and collect the Pillar of Souls possessed by Omega, which is VERY VERY annoying to them.

Actually, the whole creation of Omega was a twisted plan by Millenium exactly to thwart the Imperium by putting the Pillar of Souls out of their reach.

It's no wonder if you consider that Millenium later helped both Rah and Eljared in their plans...both great opponents to the Imperium.

My belief is that, considered the mentioned powers, Millenium is actually the Avatar of Uriel, which fights against Imperium because ultimate freedom for Gaia would be breaking the influence of Powers in The Shadow. I wouldn't be surprised if she also manipulated so that Iscariot came into possession of Solomon's 30 Black Pieces and knowledge of Imperium manipulation so long, which was another thing Imperium did not exactly wish for.

Perhaps I went a bit out of topic, but this fluff is very interesting so I hope I didn't troll your topic anyway.

I would get the book if I could, guys; just really short of cash at the moment. I intend to get it as soon as I can. So, thanks, Elric, for the info. I can work with that for now. The speculation about Millenium being an Avatar of Uriel is really interesting.

I thought he was trapped in that pocket dimension by the same people that gave him Longinus to begin with. Because it became a threat so powerful that no-one could destroy it, just trap it. Also it's Shadow (avatar) that's floating around is looking for a way to free it, so that it can destroy existence.

I suggest picking up the book, though you might make your own Omega, or pull something from a FF game. It has multiple 'incarnations' that you face in a battle. First you take on Magic weilder, and when that goes down you face it's real self, Mr. Ki. But there's a lot of other fun stuff in Those who Walked Amongst Us part 1, than just Omega.

Sabaki said:

I thought he was trapped in that pocket dimension by the same people that gave him Longinus to begin with. Because it became a threat so powerful that no-one could destroy it, just trap it.

Omega is a level 16 Technician that does not break the rules of the game. He can easily be defeated in both his forms. I thought he was supposed to be an all powerful thing too, even the description of him gives that impresseion. His stats are just extremely disappointing.

...Omega is a serious threat. Just saying. And his stats are way higher in general than you're going to get on any PC at 16th, or even 30th level.

Sabaki said:

...Omega is a serious threat. Just saying. And his stats are way higher in general than you're going to get on any PC at 16th, or even 30th level.

Not to The Imperium. I did the math, a group of level 10's can kill him without trouble due to mass combat rules granting +150, assuming they have Gnosis of 15+ (Omega gets a bonus due to high Gnosis) and 1 level 10 Wizard can just become a god and beat him down if they needed to. Of course, as that I always play wizards and know wizards inside and out, all my plans involve killing him with magic by removing his Supernatural Powers, decreasing his Gnosis, destroying his weapon, and then killing him, all this requires is a Wizard casting High and Divine Magicks, which The Imperium has.

Remember Imperium is a large group of level 10+ people with technology, magic, and technomagic that makes The Empire of Solomon looks like "barbarians". All they need to do is drop a nuke, what scares Imperium, from my understanding, is not Omega. They are afraid of whoever made Omega.

I thought they feared him too, but the people at the official forum corrected me.

I can see your point there. Not overly familiar with magic beyond the basics. But Anima has numerous systems. I think perhaps the Gnosis tackling issue should be resolvable in more ways that just using magic though.

A level10 wizard must be allowed to cast in order to make all that stuff...and it's not like Omega is going to relax while you accumulate zeon. He's pretty tough and the imperium must be careful sending level10 protodeus against it, because anyone fell by Omega turns in more power to him (due to the pillar absorbing the Gnosis and stuff...).

Anyway, the Imperium right now considers that Pillar of Souls out of reach, which is somewhat bothersome to their plans. Besides, if I'm not mistaken spells allow MR checks most of the time...what if Omega passes those?

Two things;

1) By the time the level 10 wizard I am thinking of is actually fighting Omega he is considered a level 14 with 2400 DP, Gnosis 45 (giving +10 opposed checks against Omega), 20INT, 16+POW, with High and Divine Magic at his disposal, and would need the Metamagic ability Added Maintenance. I said a level 10 wizard can become a god and fight him, if they do not do so beforehand and fight him as just a level 10 they will lose.
There are many, many ways to make him stronger (such as existential loop), but this is assuming a level 10 that was not designed to be overpowered at first. Yes, you can transform a standard level 10 Wizard into this without much trouble. If a player wanted to do this I would allow it, however I would not allow them to stay in this form after defeating the threat that Omega poses. Basically this should only be allowed as a last-ditch, "we failed to stop his escape so we need something that can beat him down" strategy, and should probably have some major cosmic retributions in its own right.

2) It is true that Omega has good resistances, but he has a 99% chance of failure against a group of level 10's (due to the +50 MR to their spells from mass combat spells) and an 80% chance of failure against the wizard (unless he uses Voodoo in which case 99% failure with some prep). In either case that is at best a 20% chance of resisting. Unfortunently his Omega: Lord of the Infinite form does have Chaos Meister ability and really high defense, which does cause some problems if he activates it... Him blocking the spell is more of a problem than the MR check.

Um...so your entire strategy is based on using optional rules, and declaring 'mass combat' on a single big bad with your party. Since when does fighting one person count as Mass Combat? And who would allow that?

I'm curious about the Level10 guy being a Level14-equivalent, Gnosis 45 being with 2400DPs. Could you explain this better, seems pretty nice munchkin build, you've captured my attention.

Sabaki said:

Um...so your entire strategy is based on using optional rules, and declaring 'mass combat' on a single big bad with your party. Since when does fighting one person count as Mass Combat? And who would allow that?

My strategys to defeat Omega requires either

A) A large group of level 10's, at least 100 preferably 10,000+. This is kind of the point of mass combat rules, thousands against 1 on equal footing.
B) One level 10 wizard who becomes a god temperarily to deal with the problem.
D) Imperium's nuke

Interestingly both A and B are possible with a level 10 creation mage that has not used Chimera on them self. I love the Book of Creation, only the Imperium's nuke plan would really work well without it. Albeit all the attacks planned to be used on Omega are Book of Destruction, but that is beside the point

As per the level 10 that becomes a level 14 with 45Gnosis, its actually easy and both the most munchkin build I can make and a completely not-munchkin build at the same time. It requires that everything stacks (something I find wierd about Anima, but nothing to contradict it) the following (which may or may not be 100% accurate as that I do not own the Core Exxet). I call it, "Make anyone a Munchkin plan Beta", and in case your wondering, yes plan Alpha was scraped when summoners tore it apart.

1) Pre Core Exxet spells(less powerful)
Start with a non-munchkin mage, but one that was built well, meaning INT 14-16 POW 10-12. Have them know the Book of Creation and Book of Light to level 100 in both. This guy should already have the Added Maintenance metamagic tree, which is my favorite of the trees, but as that there are 4 this is fairly likely anyway. Now have him cast Chimera on himself, increase POW to 15 and INT to 20 (this will take ~200DP, you should be able to get ~300) and Opposite Magic, then learn Book of Darkness and Book of Destruction as fast as possible. Next enter the wake and, using Lord of Dreams or Lord of Nightmares obtain access to Divine Magic. Finally use Ascension and Dark Ascension to increase your Gnosis by +20 (as that each gives +10Gnosis). With the 500DP get your Projection up to your now level 13-ness, increase Zeon, and use the rest of the DP as CP for whatever you need to improve, and with the +10 from your higher Gnosis, combined with a spell or metamagic ability to increase your projection, you might pull this off.
2) Post Core Exxet spells(what I planned this in)
Much as above, except Chimera grants +400DP, Ascention automatically sets your Gnosis to 45 (albeit you have to cast Eternal Magic to make it Daily Maintenance) and by using Perfection to give +1 to all stats Chimera does not have to carry as much of a load. Unfortunently the Destruction Magic in this build is much weaker than in Pre-Core.

Yes this would work much better if they were a munchkin before casting Chimera, but the point is that it is doable with a fairly standard level 10 mage. But, as I said above, I would never allow this normally from a PC, just from the Munchkinity of it. And yes, by the end he is counted as a level 14, but as this is done by casting spells at level 10 I count it as a level 10.

I understand. I don't let my characters learn spells they can't use (I don't let them learn High and Divine Magic unless they can actually use them). And besides I apply High and Divine Magic to Free Access and Subpath spells too, because I think this balances Magic better. Apart from that, it's all really clear, but should Omega target the mage first, it would anyway be in danger, probably, and Omega shouldn't have much problems recognizing the greatest threat in a party, probably. Anyway, good plan to go at it.

Real way to beat Omega doesn't even need stuff like Ascension

Lucifer has only 340 attack in his base form(Lord of Infinite has 350), that means in order to hit the Predetermined Zen Magic Shields, he needs to open roll(which you can't use Chaos Meister to do). So chimera, a few maxed out Perfect Shields and Sweep From the Heavens means that he loses all his special divine required abilities and when he dies, he just dies.

In fact with some spells for buffs, the forms have to roll over 550 to do anything to a mage/warlock just beating him down.

Lucifer has 340+30 because of his higher Gnosis, totaling 370. 380 in Lord of the Infinite.

Once he is hit with Sweep From the Heavens, he loses that bonus and he still needs to roll 200+ on a roll to do any damage, and with predetermined magic projection the mage can try to absorb every shot to keep his action.

I'm not sure whether to be enthused, or concerned that a level 10 character is one-offing Omega. Perhaps magic should be banned from my game.

Sabaki said:

I'm not sure whether to be enthused, or concerned that a level 10 character is one-offing Omega. Perhaps magic should be banned from my game.

So far, the impression I've been getting is that in Anima, level 10 is fairly equivalent to level 17-20 in DnD 3.5...

Level 10 is equivilant to about a level 20, maybe a little higher, in D&D, and I am using the most broken overpowered spells in the game to make the character a level 14 god. It relies on a few little loopholes in the game to work, because normally it is impossible. Divine Magic is supposed to be beyond the reach of players, because it is for gods only, I circumvented this little problem, but not in a way that would be OK with most GM's.

To compare it to D&D I am taking a level 20 Wizard, using a spell to make it a level 28 and giving it Level 10+ Spells, then using the Level 10+ Spells to give them Divine Rank 15 and Epic Spells. Then using the Epic Spells and Divine Rank bonuses to kill Omega. Divine Magic is much the same as Epic Spells in D&D3.5, except a player will never have access to them in most casses, because they need to be a god to cast them. This means they need Gnosis 40+, which is much the same as Divine Rank in 3.5. (By the way I think the analogy got messed up at some point, but I hope the point made it across, being, while technically legal almost no GM would ever let you do this, and would not let you keep the character if you tried to keep the power.) Until last week I thought it was completely impossible without the GM saying, "I'm making you guys gods."

Basically this only works if the GM either agrees Omega is enough of a threat to let some major stretching of the rules pass for a short period of time, or is not paying enough attention to the mage.

It does not help that Omega is only level 16, and Kisadan can more than likely fight him 1 on 1. Kisadan would lose (probably) but would take a lot out of Omega. For an "Ultimate Being" he is a little boring, IMO anyway. If I were to use him as the fluff describes him I would probably bump him up to level 21~26, and then this would have no chance of working. However, assuming the fluff is more Prophecies of Doom and Destruction, blowing him out of proportion like all legends, instead of fact he would be level 16. Depends if I want him to be the last boss, or the thing behind him to be the last boss (then again, if you are level 10+ you have probably been having the game for 1-2 years, might be time to end it...)

EDIT: This is why Ultimate Beings in most games never get stats. You cannot kill what has no limits.