Someone finally posted the spell over there,
Lord of Dreams
Level: 80 Action: Active Type of Spell: Spiritual
Effect: Permits the control of a dream of an individual who fails a MR check of the spell. The caster has the ability to control the dreamworld of the sleeper as if he had a Gnosis of 45. In the case that the dream feeds on negative energy, that is it turns into a nightmare, his Gnosis is only 30. Spells that the caster is able to cast because of this Gnosis have no effect beyond the special limits of the spell and its effects disappear once the caster leaves the dream or the Wake.
Degree Base Intermediate Advanced Arcane
Zeon 300 400 500 750
INT Req. 12 14 16 18
Base: 140 MR (no effect over the Wake)
Intermediate: 150 MR / If the caster is in the Wake, he can control his surroundings and gains powers as a being with Gnosis 40, while in a place influenced by positive energy. On a neutral area, his powers will reach Gnosis 30. This spell only effects the Wake's area where it is used provided no entity of similar Gnosis is linked with it.
Advanced: 160 MR / Like Intermediate except the Gnosis in neutral areas is 35
Arcane: 180 MR / Like Advanced except the spell has no spatial limits, influencing all positive areas of the Wake
Maintenance: 60 / 65 / 70 / 80
We are getting closer to solving this one, methinks. I would like to know, do you agree with this translation of the spell?