not sure if i should post this here or under the rules.
i know the faction head is supposed to be our primary faction in the deck but what does that really mean? when i meet up with the play group in the following week i wanna give them as much info as possible, especially to the people running the store so they can answer questions to people that want to show up for the first league game, ,cause im not at the store every week. id like the first game is as smooth as possible i want to try to get as much set up in advance, figure out what the likely confusion will lay and get answers for it now.
does the 'primary' faction have to be 50% of the deck, 33% if we include neutrals, 10 cards? if you build a deck using 30 cards of the allied faction is that a legal deck?
to rules-lawyer it primary just means first in order or time. so if i just add one card of the faction head as my first card, i meet the primary requirement. not that i think it will be possible to build a mono or netural deck for the first league, but players might be able to build a deck using their favorite faction as the majority even if the faction head isnt their favorite.
so is there a break down of any kinda for decks using the head, allied, and netural thing?
ill probably have to email ffg about this just to be sure, but i figure id post this cause it might be helpful for others too.