Preparations for first-time player

By jasonpanella, in Android

On the Infiltration news release, Tromdial asked this:

Question: how do I prepare a first-time player on how to play Android? Do I tell them to focus on the strategy sheet for their character? Someone in the review said before playing to take a moment to look at your own dark cards, but I feel that would take away from the surprise and first-time mystery of the game. Is there any other tips on how to play first-time?

I thought it'd be worth bringing the question here.

My two cents: have players go over the strategy sheet that comes with the game, and also have them take a look at the articles FFG posted right after Android was released. (They're pretty easy to find on the Android product page!)

It might also be worth stressing that it's hard to really grasp a ton of the strategy on your first play. Still, I think a nice balance of rules-learning and strategy developing can happen.

I agree with Tromdial...looking at twilight cards ahead of time takes something away from the experience, I think.

Any other thoughts?