A potential buyer asks "Why" to FFG???

By broknsword, in Tannhauser

So I've been looking into Tannhauser for over 2 years now. The first thing that caught my eye about this game was the setting. I find the story behind Tannhauser to be one of the most captivating back drops to any IP in a long time. The miniatures looked to be top notch (plus, no painting... YES!!!). And of course it's being supported(?) by my favorite gaming company FFG.

So I started to do some digging. Come to find out Tannhauser has had a pretty rocky history. So I told myself, "Self, it's probably not worth getting into." Yet I still found myself stalking the Tannhauser community.

Fast forward to Gen Con 2011. I finally said screw it, I have GOT TO give this game a go. It just looks to awsome not to give a try. So I signed up for a Tannhauser Demo with 5 other players and despite getting someone who would get an F in patience when it comes to teaching; myself and the rest of the guys ended up having a pretty good time. (We lucked out that one of the players had some experience and sort of became our mentor.)

So that brings me to my question FFG...

Why no "real" multi-player???

My gaming group normally consists of 3 - 5 people. I know, I know... It says 2 - 10 players. But split between two factions? Eh...

I think this game has massive potential for a great "Multi-Player" game with all players playing different factions and I know I'm not the only one that feels this way.

So I'm begging you FFG... You now have four factions for this game, it's time for you to make it a true PVP Multi-Player experience. You would be sucking up even more of my hard earned cash and I would be completely OK with that. :)

I think OP Hinansho has some rules for 4 player games using 2 maps, also Miah posted some multiplayer rules I created for 3p for all game modes, esentially leveraging some more circles in the board so there is space for 3 teams to pick or place flags and reducing the standard teams to 4 characters instead of 5.

I have tried them and they work fine.

To be able to really leverage multiplayer I think FFG should ublish a pack in the line you suggest, a set of larger maps, tweaked game modes and scenarios geared for 3p and 4p games. I agree with you, these would sell really nice.

Honestly, I have just been using a single board with 4 entry points in the 4 corners of the map and doing 4 way death matches using the 4 factions. The matches go quick because everyone is attacking everyone and space is tight but it is fun. Why do they need a supplement for this? You can easily come up with rules for domination and capture the flag using a single or multiple maps.