I've been working on some ideas for custom characters I like to present here. Please tell me everything you think about them. Are they overpowered? Useless? Boring? And most important: Are their abilities worded clearly? You see, as English is not my native language, it takes me quite some time to find the correct words and phrases and I'm often unsure if anyone would understand what certain equipment tokens do. I tried to write a text with background info on each character too, but again, I'm unsure about the right words.
I'll start with a Reich Zombie master (kind of) and his 2 Zombies. If you think he's a bit like a Reich version of Oksana, I admit you are right.
Leutnant Heinrich Schmidt
No one who sees Heinrich Schmidt would guess that he is a soldier, much less an officer ranked Leutnant in the infamous Obscura Korps’ 13th Division. He is a small, thin young man (some would rather say boy) wearing thick glasses that give him the looks of a bookish academic rather than a soldier. In fact, Heinrich Schmidt is a bookish academic. Because of his immense knowledge of ancient languages, he was recruited by the Obscura Korps as staff personnel to sort out and analyze some of the ancient manuscripts and scrolls the Korps has collected in General von Heizinger’s search for more information on the Inferior Worlds.
One day, Heinrich Schmidt presented to the General an old Voodoo text dealing with the process of summoning and commanding Zombies. Needless to say, Heizinger was very interested and ordered the given spells to be tested immediately. It is still unknown if it takes a special mental power to control Zombies, if you have to understand the old language or if it is just a matter of pronouncing the spells, but only Heinrich Schmidt was able to use the spells to actually resurrect and command Zombies. Heizinger himself and several others failed.
Heizinger was deeply impessed by Schmidt’s ability and of course by the possibility to have lots of obedient servants and soldiers at his command. He immediately promoted Schmidt to the rank of Leutnant and ordered the Shocktruppen to protect him at all costs.
Since then, Heinrich Schmidt has adjusted to his new position surprisingly well, cunningly ordering both Shocktruppen and Zombies around while searching for additional Voodoo texts to increase his abilities. He himself follows every order General von Heizinger gives him to the letter, feeling both a deep loyalty and gratitude towards the General because he not only placed him in a position of power but grants him access to new Voodoo manuscripts as well.
Faction: Reich
Skills: Archaeology, Command, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Reasoning
AV: 4/4/3/3
SV: 4/4/4/3
MeV: 6/5/5/4
MoV: 7/6/6/5
Special object:
Word of Resurrection: Ability, Occult. Whenever a character (except a mechanical being) dies, you may place a Corpse token on the circle where the character died. If you share a path with a Corpse token, you may spend your action to replace the Corpse token with a Zombie if less than two Zombies are in play. The Zombie may be activated later the turn if no Zombies were activated before.
Combat pack:
Walther P38 (disposable): Weapon, Pistol.
Attack order: Ability, Occult. You may spend your action to activate one Zombie or two Zombies anywhere on the board, even if these Zombies had already been activated this turn. If the Zombies were not activated before your action, they may be activated as normal later this turn.
Charge order: Ability, Occult. Discard this token at the start of any turn before any character has been activated. The Zombies are activated first even if you lost the initiative roll.
Stamina pack:
Walther P38 (disposable): Weapon, Pistol.
Attack order: Ability, Occult. You may spend your action to activate one Zombie or two Zombies anywhere on the board, even if these Zombies had already been activated this turn. If the Zombies were not activated before your action, they may be activated as normal later this turn.
Word of Obedience: Ability, Occult. If you are declared the target of an attack, you may choose a Zombie to be the target instead, if he is a legal target for the attack.
Command pack:
Walther P38 (disposable): Weapon, Pistol.
Attack order: Ability, Occult. You may spend your action to activate one Zombie or two Zombies anywhere on the board, even if these Zombies had already been activated this turn. If the Zombies were not activated before your action, they may be activated as normal later this turn.
Word of Recall: Ability, Occult. As an action, discard this token to place all Zombies in play adjacent to your miniature. If there aren’t enough free circles to place all Zombies adjacent to you, place them as close as possible.
Special rules: You may use the Zombies only if your team includes Leutnant Heinrich Schmidt. If you use Leutnant Heinrich Schmidt, you must replace one of your troopers with the two Zombies. Both Zombies activate during the same activation. Zombies do not have equipment packs. Instead, each Zombie is equipped with the two tokens described below. Zombies may not use other equipment tokens.
Faction: Reich
Skills: Hand-to-Hand Combat
AV: 6/4
SV: 4/4
MeV: -/-
MoV: 6/5
Zombie equipment tokens:
Zombie claws: Weapon, Hand-to-Hand. When making an attack roll, you receive one automatic success. You may use your actions only to attack.
Zombie toughness: Ability. When making a shock roll, you receive one automatic success. You may use Command points only to counterattack.