Custom characters by ??!

By ??!, in Tannhauser

I've been working on some ideas for custom characters I like to present here. Please tell me everything you think about them. Are they overpowered? Useless? Boring? And most important: Are their abilities worded clearly? You see, as English is not my native language, it takes me quite some time to find the correct words and phrases and I'm often unsure if anyone would understand what certain equipment tokens do. I tried to write a text with background info on each character too, but again, I'm unsure about the right words.

I'll start with a Reich Zombie master (kind of) and his 2 Zombies. If you think he's a bit like a Reich version of Oksana, I admit you are right.

Leutnant Heinrich Schmidt

No one who sees Heinrich Schmidt would guess that he is a soldier, much less an officer ranked Leutnant in the infamous Obscura Korps’ 13th Division. He is a small, thin young man (some would rather say boy) wearing thick glasses that give him the looks of a bookish academic rather than a soldier. In fact, Heinrich Schmidt is a bookish academic. Because of his immense knowledge of ancient languages, he was recruited by the Obscura Korps as staff personnel to sort out and analyze some of the ancient manuscripts and scrolls the Korps has collected in General von Heizinger’s search for more information on the Inferior Worlds.
One day, Heinrich Schmidt presented to the General an old Voodoo text dealing with the process of summoning and commanding Zombies. Needless to say, Heizinger was very interested and ordered the given spells to be tested immediately. It is still unknown if it takes a special mental power to control Zombies, if you have to understand the old language or if it is just a matter of pronouncing the spells, but only Heinrich Schmidt was able to use the spells to actually resurrect and command Zombies. Heizinger himself and several others failed.
Heizinger was deeply impessed by Schmidt’s ability and of course by the possibility to have lots of obedient servants and soldiers at his command. He immediately promoted Schmidt to the rank of Leutnant and ordered the Shocktruppen to protect him at all costs.
Since then, Heinrich Schmidt has adjusted to his new position surprisingly well, cunningly ordering both Shocktruppen and Zombies around while searching for additional Voodoo texts to increase his abilities. He himself follows every order General von Heizinger gives him to the letter, feeling both a deep loyalty and gratitude towards the General because he not only placed him in a position of power but grants him access to new Voodoo manuscripts as well.

Faction: Reich
Skills: Archaeology, Command, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Reasoning

AV: 4/4/3/3
SV: 4/4/4/3
MeV: 6/5/5/4
MoV: 7/6/6/5

Special object:
Word of Resurrection: Ability, Occult. Whenever a character (except a mechanical being) dies, you may place a Corpse token on the circle where the character died. If you share a path with a Corpse token, you may spend your action to replace the Corpse token with a Zombie if less than two Zombies are in play. The Zombie may be activated later the turn if no Zombies were activated before.

Combat pack:
Walther P38 (disposable): Weapon, Pistol.
Attack order: Ability, Occult. You may spend your action to activate one Zombie or two Zombies anywhere on the board, even if these Zombies had already been activated this turn. If the Zombies were not activated before your action, they may be activated as normal later this turn.
Charge order: Ability, Occult. Discard this token at the start of any turn before any character has been activated. The Zombies are activated first even if you lost the initiative roll.

Stamina pack:
Walther P38 (disposable): Weapon, Pistol.
Attack order: Ability, Occult. You may spend your action to activate one Zombie or two Zombies anywhere on the board, even if these Zombies had already been activated this turn. If the Zombies were not activated before your action, they may be activated as normal later this turn.
Word of Obedience: Ability, Occult. If you are declared the target of an attack, you may choose a Zombie to be the target instead, if he is a legal target for the attack.

Command pack:
Walther P38 (disposable): Weapon, Pistol.
Attack order: Ability, Occult. You may spend your action to activate one Zombie or two Zombies anywhere on the board, even if these Zombies had already been activated this turn. If the Zombies were not activated before your action, they may be activated as normal later this turn.
Word of Recall: Ability, Occult. As an action, discard this token to place all Zombies in play adjacent to your miniature. If there aren’t enough free circles to place all Zombies adjacent to you, place them as close as possible.

Special rules: You may use the Zombies only if your team includes Leutnant Heinrich Schmidt. If you use Leutnant Heinrich Schmidt, you must replace one of your troopers with the two Zombies. Both Zombies activate during the same activation. Zombies do not have equipment packs. Instead, each Zombie is equipped with the two tokens described below. Zombies may not use other equipment tokens.


Faction: Reich
Skills: Hand-to-Hand Combat

AV: 6/4
SV: 4/4
MeV: -/-
MoV: 6/5

Zombie equipment tokens:

Zombie claws: Weapon, Hand-to-Hand. When making an attack roll, you receive one automatic success. You may use your actions only to attack.
Zombie toughness: Ability. When making a shock roll, you receive one automatic success. You may use Command points only to counterattack.

well... they sound a bit like voïvodes. but except that, they do sound kind of interesting. In my opinion, right now, they're a bit too much like voïvodes, and your hero is too much like oksana. If you changed some of the mechanics for them, like maybe making the hero more dependent of them or giving him more zombie related abilities, maybe sacrifice them for health? He could become stronger while they're alive, for each zombie on the board he gets +1 in all his values, and when he doesn't have any zombies he's relly weak.

Thanks a lot for your comments, MeisterH. You are right of course, the mechanics of Zombie master and Zombies are a lot like those used by Oksana and her Voivodes. I thought the Zombie master himself could be rather weak and spend most of his actions either ressurecting or commanding his Zombies. But your idea about the Zombie master growing stronger when he controls Zombies and weaker if the Zomies are killed sounds really cool. You'd get a Zombie master that would really enter the battle together with his Zombies. I will change at least one of the equipment packs to include that. If there are any other comments or ideas, please tell me!

Meanwhile, I'd like to present another character, one that doesn't need a long introduction or background story. It's Oberfeldwebel van der Agerr, the Shocktruppen's legendary NCO!

Oberfeldwebel van der Agerr

Faction: Reich
Skills: Athletics, Command, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Sangfroid, Strategy, Weaponry

AV: 6/5/5/4
SV: 5/5/4/4
MeV: 5/5/4/4
MoV: 7/6/6/5

Special object:
“Ruft Verstärkungen!”(„Call in reinforcements!“): Ability. Once per game, as an action, discard this token to introduce a Shocktruppen as a reinforcement without spending Command points. The Shocktruppen enters play like a normal reinforcement would.

Combat pack:
MP40 (disposable): Weapon, Automatic.
Stielhandgranate (disposable): Grenade.
“Zum Angriff!” (“Attack!”): Ability. You and all Shocktruppen friendly to you may reroll the lowest die result on any attack roll.

Stamina pack:
MP40 (disposable): Weapon, Automatic.
Extra Ammunition (disposable): Hardware. Discard this token at any time during your activation to make an attack. This attack does not require an action.
“In Deckung!” (“Take cover!”): Ability. You and all Shocktruppen friendly to you may reroll the lowest die result on any shock roll.

Command pack:
MP40 (disposable): Weapon, Automatic.
Oberfeldwebel: Rank. Add +4 to your side’s initiative rolls.
“Vorrücken!” (“Move forward!”): Ability. You may discard this token at any time during the turn. If you discard this token, a Shocktruppen friendly to you gets a second activation after all other characters have been activated.

An "Oberfeldwebel" is a high-ranking Unteroffizier in Germany, the US rank would be Master Sergeant or even Sergeant Major, I'm not sure on that. And I admit I never even heard of that magic sword before. Where was it mentioned and what kind of magic abilities has it? If it's really a special item for him, I will of course add it to his equipment. Thanks a lot for your comments!

One note I believe that somewher in FFG's version of the fluf, Agerr is called an Unteroffizer, which is WW2 equlivent of a Corporal, but in TOY's version he's a Hauptman (Captain) so in a way we're all worng.

Here is the treaslation it's still really rough, if I have time I'll go through and fix it but this will give you idea of the events that earned van der Agerr (which was originally spelled van der Hagerr by TOY)

Sorry it's so rough, but my French is awful.


Patmos, September 2, 1949

The room that interested both the Marquis General Hermann Von Heïzinger ranged the heart of the necropolis of Patmos and was last occupied by one of its teams. It took two weeks of tough negotiations between the responsible "official" Site, Professor Hans Kamler, and Captain Van der Agerr, appointed by the Marquis to organize the dig site with the teacher. During this time, the level where there was the mysterious room was as abandoned.
The insistence of Van der Agerr (and perhaps also the fear that could inspire the Marquis and his lieutenant Karl Zermann) had paid off: Kamler had assigned, and the team could study the general audience.
Van der Agerr sighed by crushing his cigarette butt. Frame these archaeologists were far from passion, and it was long time here. He patted on the shoulder of one of the soldiers who accompanied him to say he was going to take a break in the light of day when he heard one of the scientists to push a cry of surprise. The captain turned quickly, his hand on the butt of his MG42 "Spandau," but there was no apparent danger.
In terms of threat, van der Agerr saw the archaeologist fall backwards at the tomb of a knight that he had opened. But the strangest was the blue light coming from inside the tomb. When the Captain came to see what it contained, he could not believe his eyes. Inside lay the body of a man, probably a knight under his clothes. However, the body of this man was more like that of someone died there two or three days instead of a thousand year old corpse. He held in his hands a two-handed sword decorated with strange inscriptions on the blade and was on his neck the fragment of a pendant which seemed older than the catacombs themselves. Without taking his eyes from the grave, van der Agerr spoke to one of the men:
"- Go get the general right now. Tell him we found what he wanted."
When he heard the news, General Von Heïzinger and Lieutenant Karl Zermann ran as fast as possible. Archaeologists had to work again, and began to study the inscriptions on the grave. The Marquis was overwhelmed with excitement when he saw the tomb and blue aura that filled the entire room. He approached the van der Agerr, who had not moved since the discovery.
"- Good job, Hauptmann, said the marquis. You have done well to warn me ...
- Thank you, Herr General, said Van der Agerr. I knew you would attend this discovery. "
But the marquis was not listening to what he really said the captain, nor he paid attention to the archaeologists who worked in the room. Its whole mind was concentrated on the piece of pendant worn by the knight. He saw only the amulet, nothing else mattered.
"- That this object... “ Karl said to the Marquis...
“This amulet this power is key, I'm sure! Do not you feel, Karl?”
- If, in general, said Zermann. This artifact has great power. But we should wait for men to have finished before the study...
- No, Karl! The Marquis went into a rage at the mere thought of having wait one second before you get your hands on this relic, which called for days. I must have it now! "
Von Heïzinger snatched the amulet of the knight's neck and felt with intense satisfaction the power to invade the artifact. Suddenly the ground shook under the feet of the team. The ground cracks throughout the room. The Marquis threw worried glances between the amulet and exit, but neither he nor the other n'eurent time to get out when the ground collapsed and they fell into obscurity.
They landed a few meters down on the stone. Van der Agerr went around men: everyone was fine, with a few bumps and bruises. Zermann Marquis helped him up. The general stood firmly fragment of amulet in his hand. He watched where they were. It was a crypt round, about two times larger than the room where they were before. There were huge rock pillars at each corner of the room. At its center, General distinguish a huge block of stone. As he approached, he realized he a sarcophagus was even older than the graves they saw previously, and placed vertically. He was kept sealed by the many chains. The Marquis would get even, but his lieutenant, who felt a threatening presence, recalled: "- General, are you sure of what you do?
- Do not worry, Karl, said the marquis. We will enter History! "
The Marquis took a step further. Instinctively Zermann and van der Agerr gave discrete orders to their men to surround the sarcophagus if he constitutes a danger. Suddenly, the amulet vibration and the Marquis looked, aback. The hand that held the artifact was going against his will into the sarcophagus. Chains around him fell, and the sarcophagus opened. There was a cloud of smoke, and a figure came out at last. That saw the Marquis then surpassed all his expectations. The Colossus was imprisoned here for centuries were so great and impressive that it inspired the even fear in the minds of Zermann. His hands, which could easily have enter two human heads were terminated by claws that seemed too sharp as steel. When the devil finally opened his eyes red of blood, he looked first Zermann and van der Agerr, the soldiers around him, and archaeologists petrified with terror. He stared at the amulet and then
Marquis and groaned loudly before approaching him.
"- You ... The demon pointed to the Marquis of his claws. Who are you to dare release Korgonagoss and hope to control it with this amulet? You can not against me, poor insects! "
The devil came and struck the marquis, who was thrown at the other end of the crypt. Van der Agerr and the soldiers fired, but did not seem Korgonagoss feel the bullets on him. He walked over to the scientists, paralyzed by fear, and killed them all in two claws. With superhuman speed, he arrived behind a soldier and beheaded him. Zermann fired a few shots with his Borchardt who sparkled more than ever, then took the Marquis in his shoulder and cried towards Van der Agerr:
"- We cannot beat it! Even my weapon cannot hurt him! It
must leave now!
- Go with the general lieutenant! Van der Agerr continued to fire at the demon with his MG42 to no avail. We'll cover you! Climb the rubble to return to the room and out quickly!
- You do not run away! Korgonagoss was mad with rage at the attack desperate. I will take this amulet, after drinking your blood! "
The schocktruppen regrouped in front of their captain and continued to fire to slow down the demon who walked, insensitive to pain and thinking only the amulet. Von Heïzinger came to his senses. At last he had before him a being of Underworld, but despite all the hopes he had had about the amulet, he could not control him ... He took one last look behind him by climbing over the rubble, but it was the disappointment of not being able to control a demon can destroy the Union on its own overlooking the respect and sacrifice after all natural to his men. Zermann held out his hand, and climbed on top of what had become a bloody arena.
With each step, Korgonagoss killed a soldier. He traced a path lined with cadavers before arriving at Van der Agerr. The captain fired all his ammunition. After his heavy weapon empty, the devil smiled and gave him a blow to torso. His uniform was torn, and the captain found himself thrown against one of pillars of the crypt.
"- I had not killed so long ... I think I'll have a little fun with you, before you take care of your master, Korgonagoss said the captain. "
Van der Agerr was ready to die. He knew he had no chance against this monstrous beast. In rising, he laid his hand on something cold.
The captain took the object. It was the sword that the knight was in his grave, and the inscriptions on the blade shone with a soft blue light. The captain took it. With a new force, van der Agerr said that there was perhaps a hope, and pointed the sword of the devil.
"- I will not let you kill me so easily, demon, says Van der Agerr. A soldier of the Reich is anything but a weak and a coward. - But you are a mortal, Korgonagoss said, laughing. Do you think this ridiculous gun hurt me more than your toys?
- There is only one way to find out ... Come and see for yourself! "Captain charged, and the devil. Korgonagoss tried to hit Van der Agerr who managed to dodge the blow, before planting his sword in the chest known daemon. Korgonagoss retreated, screaming in pain and surprise.
"- How dare you! Hurting a servant of Nosféro! You will pay for this insult! I'll tear you apart!
- Sorry, but I have to go, 'said the captain. Another time, perhaps! "
Van der Agerr took advantage of the weak moment of Korgonagoss to run to the rubble. Before climbing, he turned and saw the demon coming towards him surrounded by a mysterious aura. The captain went out of his pockets three grenades and threw them on the pillars of the crypt. He climbed as quickly as possible when grenades exploded, collapsing the rest of the room on the devil. Van der Agerr climbed in extremis at the top, and rolled to the galleries while the entire area collapsed behind him. The captain got up, dusted and lit a cigarette. "I'm not ready to forget you, you," he said, examining the wound inflicted Korgonagoss the torso and slightly shining.
At the exit of the catacombs, and Von Heïzinger Zermann were still being talk about what they had to live when General van der Agerr saw the joining. The Marquis and his lieutenant joined him, surprised to see their Captain alive.
"You're late, Captain" ironically launched the Marquis.
- I was very lucky to get out alive, Herr General, said van der Agerr. I managed to hurt him with the sword, and I escaped. All part of the catacombs collapsed on him after I threw him grenades ... I think it is quiet now.
- It sounds like you are a true hero, Hauptmann, said the marquis. The Kaiser will be happy, Van der Agerr. Very happy. I'll get you a medal for this, worth a small medal that beautifully decorates your uniform. What ditesvous?
- ... Thank you, General! It is an honor you do me!
- It is quite normal in view of your achievements today, Captain ... Wait a minute ... Von Heïzinger pointed to the injury of captain, shining like the scars Zermann. How have you done that?
- Korgonagoss It struck me, General. A souvenir, as it were.
- Interesting ... But go take a rest, Captain, you seem ... tired. But first, let me see this sword, it might be useful later.”
- At your orders, Herr General. Goodbye, General. Goodbye, sir. "
The Marquis Von Heïzinger looked again the amulet which had not left while looking back at the strange injury Van der Agerr. He turned to his lieutenant and said: "- This Captain is really a hero of the Reich. What do you think?
- He defended well, generally admitted Zermann. But he also got lucky, very lucky.
- Good luck or a curse ... It is the study of this sword that will tell!"
The car finally arrived for the Marquis, taking Zermann of his thoughts. He opened Von Heïzinger’s door and sat in the back. While his captain took place next to the driver, the general still thought van der Agerr. This brand ... is a sign of fate, I must keep an eye on the captain, he said. Then he came out again the amulet from his pocket and shivered as he felt the power contained therein. He smiled and storage. It was close to the goal and had only to decipher the clues of the amulet. Thus, he, Hermann Von Heïzinger will be the first to discover and control the power of one four cardinal Obscure, and perhaps to become the new Reichdoktor the Obscura Korps ...

Great read, thanks a lot! You are right about van der Agerr's rank, I'll change it to Hauptmann (Captain). I'm not sure about the sword, though. It seems like he had it only for his fight with the demon and then gave it to Heizinger. On another note, both Heizinger and Zermann are described here much less insane and much nicer than I had expected, aren't they?

They are rather nice arn't they, but I think it's not necessarilly sincere. Some of the other documents demonstrate Heizinger's obsessive tendancies, and his short and violent temper. As for Zermann I don't think he was ever intended to be insane just loyal, like many of the generals that followed Hitler to Germany's destruction in the real WW2. He's blinded by his loyality to the insanity of those he follows.

As for Hauptman Agerr, he seems to have far more in common with the Union soldiers than any one else, like some of the Germans in the movie The Keep; loyal soldiers who do their duty, but not necessarily believers in the begining.

Those are my opinions anyway.

As for the sword it was turned over to Heizinger, but I think Agerr gets it back, it's a very long very French document, and I have't read it all myself. Furthermore there are like four or five more of these "official" TOY stories.

Well, glad to help, I'm going to work on cleaning up this first document, and I hope to post it after the SOPA protest.

I looked over the French document too, but discovered that I am not able to read French anymore. It's been a long time since I did French in school, and I have to admit I never liked the language anyway.

However, you are right about Agerr, he seems to be a good, professional officer doing his duty, being neither insane nor extremely violent . On the other hand, I always thought Zermann was quite a psychopath because he was possessed by a demon. But I admit I like the thought of him being a rather "normal, but accidentally possessed" Reich officer.

Thanks again for your help!

I know what you mean, but my biggest trouble is switching between so many languages, a day spent going from French to English to Russian to German to Latin to Hebrew to whatever will give you a real headache, and cause some major typos. : )

Anyway I finished that first section "Discovering The Amulet" and will post it to the blog tomorrow.

I'll try to do the rest of the document later in the week.

@Miah: should there be any trouble with german language (e.g. troublesome military or historicals words or difficult grammar) feel free to post it here or write a pm. I´ll help out as far and fast as I can. If you want I can even translate small parts into english.

Katsuyori said:

@Miah: should there be any trouble with german language (e.g. troublesome military or historicals words or difficult grammar) feel free to post it here or write a pm. I´ll help out as far and fast as I can. If you want I can even translate small parts into english.

Thanks for the offer, I'll keep you in mind.

Decoded top secret message from Union secret agent “Jeremiah” on Patmos:
General Heizinger returned to abandoned Patmos archaeological site 2 days ago --- tight security measures --- workers and schocktruppen present no scientists --- workers digging into collapsed structures on site --- freeing giant monster obviously demonic --- demon easily slays several workers and schocktruppen --- immune to weapon fire --- Heizinger stops demon --- controls him with shard of amulet he carries --- takes him off Patmos --- Warning --- extremely dangerous new weapon for Heizinger --- demon strong brutal invulnerable --- amulet crucial to controlling demon


Special rules: Korgonagoss is an Epic hero, so he takes the place of one hero and one trooper in your team. Korgonagoss may not make ranged combat attacks. Korgonagoss may only be chosen for your team if Heizinger and the Patmos amulet are also chosen. If Heizinger dies or loses the Patmos amulet, Korgonagoss is out of control. If he is out of control, he always activates first, moves towards the closest character (whether friend or foe) and attacks him if possible. If two or more characters are equally close, you decide which character Korgonagoss attacks.

Faction: Reich
Skills: Athletics, Hand-to-Hand Combat

AV: 7/7/7/6/6
SV: 7/7/7/6/6
MeV: 6/6/5/5/4
MoV: 8/7/7/6/6

Special object:
Horrible Apparition: Ability. Once per turn, choose one enemy character on your path. That character has to make a Mental test. If he generates less than 3 successes, he is paralyzed with fear and may not activate this turn. This ability may only be used on your activation but does not use your action.

Combat pack:
Demon Claws: Weapon, Hand-to-Hand. Add one additional die to your attack rolls. When attacking with this weapon, all enemy characters adjacent to you become targets of the attack. Apply the same attack roll to every target.
Immunity to pain: Ability. Add one additional die to your shock rolls.
Blood thirst: Ability. Add one additional die to your attack rolls. Each Natural 10 you roll on any attack roll causes an automatic wound for each target instead of a normal success.

Stamina pack:
Demon Claws: See Combat pack
Immunity to pain: See Combat pack.
Impenetrable skin: Ability. You may reroll any one die from each of your shock rolls. Each Natural 10 you roll on a shock roll cancels two wounds.

Command pack:
Demon Claws: See Combat pack
Immunity to pain: See Combat pack.
Celerity: Ability. Add +2 to your current Movement value.

Nice idéa for an Epic hero. Though I would probably give him another weakness then his mental value, since Reich is the strong mental team. maybe you could make him slower, since he is almost indestructible and probably kills anyone he gets near. Also loves the fact that he goes berserk when Hermann dies.

Thanks for your comments, MeisterH. I made up the demon rather quickly while using the information provided by Miah. In this text, the demon is described as very fast. His main weaknesses are of course the fact that he goes mad if Heizinger is killed and the fact that you have to play and protect Heizinger if you want to play the demon. Basically you have only one hero left to choose freely. In addition, the demon can't make ranged combat attacks. I thought he wasn't as powerful as Asteros or maybe even Natalya, who can target two enemies with ranged attacks while rolling 6 dice and repair herself. What's your opinion when comparing this demon with the existing epics? By the way, I'm still working on a Zombie master improved with your suggestions. Thanks again!

KORGONAGOSS: making mental value low can fit thematically, but one thing to keep in mind is interaction with Heizinger's Patmos Amulet and Hoss' Chronograph - like with Stosstruppen, making it low can create a major advantage of 2 activations per turn, moving very fast across the map...amplified stosstruppen effect, i'd imagine.

I'd keep his mental values as null to avoid this - the alternative is to make them high but that may not be better or thematic. If null, when he goes beserk, Helm of Diomedes and Hermetica Occulta and Mask of Samheim won't protect anyone.

i like how he can become uncontrollable, to offset his power :) and i think it would be fine to give him heizinger-type movement stats (the lowest, on average) with Celerity as an option in a pack or two.

I agree with the comment about the problems and possible advantages of a low Mental Value. I gave the demon a rather high MeV on purpose to avoid interaction with the Patmos Amulet and to give him a good chance to attack someone wearing the Helm of Diomedes or Mask of Samhain. Furthermore, Asteros also has a high MeV and he's in a way comparable. I'll think about the consequences of giving him a 0 MeV. What I'll defintiely do is reducing his Movement Value to tone him down a bit.

Tanhks again for your comments. If you have any other suggestions, please keep them coming. I'll try to post improved versions of the characters during the weekend.

No probs. It's just fun to try and make them as balanced and original as possible :)

Balanced Tannhäuser characters? No way. That would clearly break the spirit of this game! However, here's an update on the characters. I just slowed the demon down so you basically have the choice between a very powerful melee attack (Combat pack), very powerful defense (Stamina pack) and a reasonable speed (Command pack). The Zombie master got a Combat pack that makes him stronger when there are Zombies on his path. Furthermore, the Zombies may stand in as targets of attacks targeting the Zombie master, weakening him of course if they get killed.

Leutnant Heinrich Schmidt

Faction: Reich
Skills: Archaeology, Command, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Reasoning

AV: 4/4/3/3
SV: 4/4/4/3
MeV: 6/5/5/4
MoV: 6/6/5/5

Special object:
Word of Resurrection: Ability, Occult. Whenever a character (except a mechanical being) dies, you may place a Corpse token on the circle where the character died. If you share a path with a Corpse token, you may spend your action to replace the Corpse token with a Zombie if less than two Zombies are in play. The Zombie may be activated later the turn if no Zombies were activated before.

Combat pack:
Walther P38 (disposable): Weapon, Pistol.
Word of Power: Ability, Occult. You receive +1 to each of your stats for every Zombie that shares a path with you.
Word of Obedience: Ability, Occult. If you are declared the target of an attack, you may choose a Zombie to be the target instead, if he is a legal target for the attack.

Stamina pack:
Walther P38 (disposable): Weapon, Pistol.
Attack order: Ability, Occult. You may spend your action to activate one Zombie or two Zombies anywhere on the board, even if these Zombies had already been activated this turn. If the Zombies were not activated before your action, they may be activated as normal later this turn.
Word of Obedience: Ability, Occult. If you are declared the target of an attack, you may choose a Zombie to be the target instead, if he is a legal target for the attack.

Command pack:
Walther P38 (disposable): Weapon, Pistol.
Attack order: Ability, Occult. You may spend your action to activate one Zombie or two Zombies anywhere on the board, even if these Zombies had already been activated this turn. If the Zombies were not activated before your action, they may be activated as normal later this turn.
Charge order: Ability, Occult. Discard this token at the start of any turn before any character has been activated. The Zombies are activated first even if you lost the initiative roll.


Special rules: Korgonagoss is an Epic hero, so he takes the place of one hero and one trooper in your team. Korgonagoss may not make ranged combat attacks. Korgonagoss may only be chosen for your team if Heizinger and the Patmos amulet are also chosen. If Heizinger dies or loses the Patmos amulet, Korgonagoss is out of control. If he is out of control, he always activates first, moves towards the closest character (whether friend or foe) and attacks him if possible. If two or more characters are equally close, you decide which character Korgonagoss attacks.

Faction: Reich
Skills: Athletics, Hand-to-Hand Combat

AV: 7/7/7/6/6
SV: 7/7/7/6/6
MeV: 6/6/5/5/4
MoV: 6/6/6/5/5

Special object:
Horrible Apparition: Ability. Once per turn, choose one enemy character on your path. That character has to make a Mental test. If he generates less than 3 successes, he is paralyzed with fear and may not activate this turn. This ability may only be used on your activation but does not use your action.

Combat pack:
Demon Claws: Weapon, Hand-to-Hand. Add one additional die to your attack rolls. When attacking with this weapon, all enemy characters adjacent to you become targets of the attack. Apply the same attack roll to every target.
Immunity to pain: Ability. Add one additional die to your shock rolls.
Blood thirst: Ability. Add one additional die to your attack rolls. Each Natural 10 you roll on any attack roll causes an automatic wound for each target instead of a normal success.

Stamina pack:
Demon Claws: See Combat pack
Immunity to pain: See Combat pack.
Impenetrable skin: Ability. You may reroll any one die from each of your shock rolls. Each Natural 10 you roll on a shock roll cancels two wounds.

Command pack:
Demon Claws: See Combat pack
Immunity to pain: See Combat pack.
Celerity: Ability. Add +2 to your current Movement value.

Once more, I had an idea for a character that I absolutely have to present here. I don't know if it's balanced, but it certainly is original - and it's not a Reich character this time!


Mortimer (a codename of course) is a Union secret agent who specializes in infiltrating the enemy’s military units or bases. Physically unassuming and of average built, he is adapt at blending in almost anywhere without gaining much attention. He has often infiltrated military facilities by acting as a civilian worker or even a collaborator giving the enemy vital information. His true claim to fame, though, is his unmatched ability to even play the role of an enemy soldier. He speaks fluent German, Russian and even Japanese. Masking himself properly and using either forged documents or those taken from fallen (or purposely killed) soldiers, Mortimer was able to join enemy units several times, posing as one of the countless soldiers fighting in the Great war. Part of his masquerade is his weapon of choice, an old trench gun that is untraceable because the model is in use in every army.
While posing as a member of the enemy’s army, Mortimer of course has almost unlimited access in their military facilities. Needless to say, he is absolutely capable to gain access to any area forbidden to him as well. He then uses his powerful position to sabotage the enemy’s equipment, relay crucial information to other Union agents or military units present, hinder or undo the enemy’s mission progress or whatever his current mission calls for. While he is used to do almost everything to protect his cover, he is also able to take decisive action should the need arise. If only obvious destruction of relevant equipment or even the elimination of key personnel will stop the enemy from achieving crucial successes, Mortimer will act without thinking twice, sacrificing his life rather than failing in his mission.

Faction: Union
Skills: Dexterity, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Mechanics, Sangfroid, Sneak, Strategy

AV: 5/5/4/4
SV: 5/5/4/4
MeV: 6/5/5/4
MoV: 7/7/6/5

Special object:
Undercover: Ability. You enter the board through the opposing team’s entry point. Enemy characters may not attack you or target you with any effects that specifically target enemy characters. Discard this token immediately after you perform an action that wounds or kills an enemy character.

Combat pack:
Trench gun (disposable): Weapon, Automatic. See Revised rules, page 83.
Eliminate threat: Ability. If you kill an enemy character while there are no other enemy characters on your path, you do not have to discard “Undercover”.
Armor sabotage: Ability. As long as you have “Undercover” equipped, all enemy characters on your path roll one die less when making shock rolls.

Stamina pack:
Trench gun (disposable): Weapon, Automatic. See Revised rules, page 83.
Weapon sabotage: Ability. As long as you have “Undercover” equipped, all enemy characters on your path roll one die less when making attack rolls.
Diverted Attention: Ability. Once per turn, as an action, choose an enemy character on your path. That character may not perform an action this turn.

Command pack:
Trench gun (disposable): Weapon, Automatic. See Revised rules, page 83.
Information leak: Ability. As long as you have “Undercover” equipped, the Union automatically has initiative.
Negate Progress: Ability. If you have “Undercover” equipped, you may spend your action and discard this token to remove all of your opponent’s tokens from any objective token adjacent to you. Discard “Undercover” after using this ability.

As I can see that some folks are actually looking into this topic (although no one is answering), here's another character I came up with. Enjoy!

Henri Chauvel is the youngest scion of a family that has lived in the area of Gevaudan for generations, a family of well known and respected farmers and shepherds. Henri himself is a well known man and respected for his skills as a shepherd, hunter and guide who seems to know places and paths in the area around Gevaudan that no one else does. On top of all that, Henri is the Beast of Gevaudan.
More to the point, he is one of the Beasts of Gevaudan. There have been several in the last centuries as the curse to transform into a wolf-like creature has run in his family for generations, the dark secret only being passed on from parents to children in whispers. Henri knows that he is the Beast, having transformed into a wolf (or kind of) several times since his youth and also having hunted and killed humans several times. You can’t say that he is really plagued with this curse, it’s more that he has arranged himself with it and even enjoys the thrill of the hunt. He sort of controls his transmutation as well as his action when he is the Beast, never transforming in public or anywhere where the appearance of the Beast could be linked to him. At least for the time being, he was also able to avoid attacking friends or relatives and even attacking in front of witnesses. As he knows that the bloodlust will overwhelm him if he avoids transforming and hunting for too long, he immediately jumped at the chances the war presented to him. As everyone knows about Henri’s immense knowledge of the area, he was approached by both sides of the conflict and even by the French Resistance and asked to serve as a guide and scout. Working for both sides, he sometimes deliberately guided soldiers into isolated areas to attack them. He even slaughtered every member of a resistance cell that hided in an isolated hunting lodge, knowing that in a war, casualties and disappearances are normal and often there is no time to investigate.

Henri Chauvel

Faction: Mercenary
Skills: Athletics, Dexterity, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Sneak, Weaponry

AV: 6/6/5/5
SV: 6/5/4/4
MeV: 5/4/4/3
MoV: 8/7/7/6

Special object:
Transmutation: Ability. Once per game, discard this token to replace all tokens in your inventory with the tokens of the equipment pack you did not choose during setup. You may not perform an action the turn you use this ability.

Combat pack (“Beast pack”):
Fangs and Claws: Weapon, Hand-to-Hand. Add two additional dice to your attack roll. You may use your actions only to attack and may not use weapons other than “Fangs and Claws”.
Incredible strength: Ability. Always use your best Stamina value when making Shock rolls.
Regeneration: Ability. When this token is placed in your inventory, dial your health indicator token to the top row. Once per game, discard this token to dial your health indicator token to the top row. You may not perform an action the turn you use this ability.

Stamina pack (“Human pack”):
Hunting rifle (disposable): Weapon, Automatic. If you do not move this turn, each Natural 10 you roll deals an automatic wound instead of a normal success.
Hunting knife (disposable): Weapon, Hand-to-Hand.
Bloodlust: Ability. At the end of your activation, put a Bloodlust token on your character sheet if you did not perform a melee attack. If there are three Bloodlust tokens on your character sheet at the beginning of your activation, you have to use “Transmutation”. This token may not be discarded or exchanged for a bonus token.

I really like your ideas!

I think that Mortimer's Undercover ability might be a little overpowered, however. Perhaps it is just a reflection of my own style of game play, but I think his ability to remain untouchable so long as he does not attack might make him a game breaker in a scenario with victory conditions that are based on objectives rather than combat. I would probaly implement the following changes for use in my own games:

-Make the Undercover ability work on a timer. Allow him only a limited number of turns (2 or 3) before he is discovered and has to discard the Undercover ability.

-When Armor Sabotage and Weapon Sabotage are used, transfer the tokens to a character on the same path as the Undercover Mortimer. The abilities will only affect the character with the token, but will do so for the rest of the game.

-When Mortimer uses Eliminate Threat he can steal the uniform of the eliminated charcter, resetting his Undercover timer back to its initial value (even if it had previously been discarded).

Please don't take the suggestions as criticism. Like I said, they are really just more a reflection of my own play style. Thanks for sharing this wonderful character idea; and keep them coming!

Bad Dog said:

Please don't take the suggestions as criticism.

Not at all! I'm really happy if someone reads and actually comments on my character ideas. You are right, by the way, I never thought about the Undercover ability in Objective mode where Mortimer would be almost invulnerable. I like the idea of a countdown for this ability so that you have him undercover for 3 turns or so and have to get as much as possible out of these turns. The transfering of the sabotage tokens is also something I'll definitely use. Look out for an update on this character later this week, and thanks again for your input!

Here's the update on the Union secret agent I promised earlier. I included most of Bad Dog's suggestions so the character would play quite different now. His undercover ability counts down so you have to use his abilities fast or you loose them. Furthermore, the sabotage abilities don't work on his path anymore but specifically target an enemy character and the effect lasts for the rest of the game.


Faction: Union
Skills: Dexterity, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Mechanics, Sangfroid, Sneak, Strategy

AV: 5/5/4/4
SV: 5/5/4/4
MeV: 6/5/5/4
MoV: 7/7/6/5

Special object:
Undercover: Ability. During setup, place three unused equipment tokens on Mortimer’s character sheet. At the end of each turn, remove one token. If there are no equipment tokens on Mortimer’s character sheet at the beginning of any turn, discard “Undercover”. You also have to discard “Undercover” immediately after Mortimer performs an action that wounds or kills an enemy character.
You enter the board through the opposing team’s entry point. Enemy characters may not attack you or target you with any effects that specifically target enemy characters.

Combat pack:
Trench gun (disposable): Weapon, Automatic. See Revised rules, page 83.
Eliminate threat: Ability. If you kill an enemy character while there are no other enemy characters on your path, you do not have to discard “Undercover”.
Armor sabotage: Ability. As an action, place this token on the character sheet of an enemy character adjacent to you. For the rest of this game, that enemy character rolls one die less when making shock rolls. You may only use this ability if you have “Undercover” equipped.

Stamina pack:
Trench gun (disposable): Weapon, Automatic. See Revised rules, page 83.
Weapon sabotage: Ability. As an action, place this token on the character sheet of an enemy character adjacent to you. For the rest of this game, that enemy character rolls one die less when attack shock rolls. You may only use this ability if you have “Undercover” equipped.
Armor sabotage: Ability. As an action, place this token on the character sheet of an enemy character adjacent to you. For the rest of this game, that enemy character rolls one die less when making shock rolls. You may only use this ability if you have “Undercover” equipped.

Command pack:
Trench gun (disposable): Weapon, Automatic. See Revised rules, page 83.
Information leak: Ability. As long as you have “Undercover” equipped, the Union automatically has initiative.
Diverted Attention: Ability. Once per turn, as an action, choose an enemy character on your path. That character may not perform an action this turn.