Multiplayer titles bonuses

By carlosmachado, in A Game of Thrones LCG


The bonus of +3 for intrigue that comes from the Master of Whispers multiplayer title serves for only one challenge or for all the intrigue challenges I got in the round?



Core Set Rules say:

"If you choose this title, you add 3 to your side’s total STR in any (Intrigue) challenge in which you have at least one participating character."

Compare to Hand of the King:

"If you choose this title, you may use it once, at any time throughout the round, to produce 2 influence."

Because Master of Whispers is not clearly restricted (in this game, always read exactly what the rules or cards say) to once, it means ANY and ALL (not just one) Intrigue Challenges.

kauai1964 said:

Core Set Rules say:

"If you choose this title, you add 3 to your side’s total STR in any (Intrigue) challenge in which you have at least one participating character."

Compare to Hand of the King:

"If you choose this title, you may use it once, at any time throughout the round, to produce 2 influence."

Because Master of Whispers is not clearly restricted (in this game, always read exactly what the rules or cards say) to once, it means ANY and ALL (not just one) Intrigue Challenges.
