Putting in a word for the Expansion, "Battles of the Third Age"

By evilone_nj, in War of the Ring

I'd like to put in a quick pitch for the expansion to this great game, "Battles of the Third Age".

The base game "War of the Ring" is a game I rate a "10". It is an amazingly thematic wargaming experience, where you literally replay and recreate "The Lord Of The Rings" story each time you play it.

While you don't need the expansion, the added elements are a lot of fun to play. For instance, how can you have a "Lord Of The Rings" story without The Ents being prominent for the Free People, or the Balrog showing up to cause havoc in and/or around Moria, right? These are just two key elements that you get when you add in the "Battles of the Third Age" expansion, not to mention the Corsair of Umbar (ships can be used to sail armies up the coast), seige engines (trebuchets and seige towers) for combat at the Strongholds, the wildmen, Galadriel, and a new version of The Witch King.

By adding in the expansion, "Battles of the Third Age", this ones goes to "11". :)

I actually consider the companion games to be one of the best part of Battles of the Third Age. In the regular game, there was really very little tactical manuvering possible (other than making it look like you are going for one target when you are going for another). The companion games really give you a chance to manuver around.

I haven't had a chance to play the base game with the expansion, so I can't comment much on it.

But your overall point (that the expansion is a good thing) I would heartily agree with.

I acquired a copy of Battle of the Third Age a month ago but only got to break it open a few days ago for a game session. With a few games of the base game as comparison, I have to say that BotTA definitely boosts the FPP a great deal. Galadriel and the Ents as powerful reinforcements. I see Galadriel helping alot in the early game and the Ents providing powerful support in the Rohan region and against Isengard. Seige towers arent too significant but does add to the tension in siege plays. I have yet to see the strengths of the Dunlendings and the Corsairs. Overall, a great expansion. I look forward to playing the companion games, feels like a ton of new rules to go over though preocupado.gif

I'm just curious, but what do seige towers actually do? I don't need the full rules or anything, but I've always been curious about how much they change seige battles.

Battles of the Third Age has always been an expansion I'll get eventually, but I've never been in a situation where it's nudged away other purchases, like Arkham Horror expansions or the new Battlestar Galactice game.

It does take War of the Ring to another level especially having actual Ent minis on the table. I have yet to get into painting up the minis for BotTA. I am still reeling from painting everything in the Core box and that was a couple years ago. LOL!

Overture said:

I'm just curious, but what do seige towers actually do? I don't need the full rules or anything, but I've always been curious about how much they change seige battles.

Siege engines in BotTA modifies the Free Peoples Player combat roll when they are defending a stronghold. Essentially, if the defending FPP has more siege engines than the sieging SP, he hits targets easier (+1 to combat rolls, so hits on a 4+ result) PLUS he prevents the SP from extending the siege via reduction of an elite unit (for at most 1 round). In reverse, SP with more siege engines make it harder for FPP to hit and can extend sieges for 1 round for free. Thats it! happy.gif It doesnt improve damage dealt by SP, which was kinda wierd, but SP already has the upperhand miliarily so I guess its ok gui%C3%B1o.gif besides, siege towers look cool. Also, siege engines dont come into play when SP is being besieged, because SP is badass and doesnt need any support cool.gif

Thanks for that Mask, they seem pretty useful but aren't overly strong like I worried that they might be. I'm sure I'll pick the expansion up at some point, mainly because I want to try out the Hunt version of the Witch-King demonio.gif

Although the enhansements to the base game is really great, I believe the meat of BotTA is the companion scenario games. 80% of the new content is for the companion game, and it provides a different level of fun altogether :) I think that in itself is enough reason to get it gui%C3%B1o.gif

Maskmanjoe said:

Although the enhansements to the base game is really great, I believe the meat of BotTA is the companion scenario games. 80% of the new content is for the companion game, and it provides a different level of fun altogether :) I think that in itself is enough reason to get it gui%C3%B1o.gif


i love the little ent minis

Having played the base game extensively, purchasing the expansion, and then playing them together extensively, I can't imagine playing the base game as a stand alone again. The expansion adds so many wonderful little tweeks to the game and really completes the theme.

Oh, and siege engines really do have cool minis. And the ability of the FP player to make the SP player use more dice (to either counter with his own engines or engage in another attack) should not be underestimated!