Looking for Neutral faction House card and others.

By Kingsguard, in 5. AGoT Trade Forum

Anyone have any of :

Neutral Faction

Ser Brynden's guile 1-3

Ser Balon Swann 1-3


For trade or sale?

I have:

Neutral Faction

Ser Brynden's Guile x2

[email protected]

Ser Brynden's guile 1-3

Ser Balon Swann 1-3

I need

1x Aegon's Hill
3x Widow's Watch

Kauai: Email sent.

berto: I don't have any of those cards you need. You up for selling?

sure, please offer your price berto[at]decktech.eu, for 1 copy because I'm not sure if I will sell you 3.

Email sent.
