DungeonQuest characters in Runebound

By Michael Scorefan, in Runebound

I am a huge Runebound fan, but I am on the fence as to whether to purchase DungeonQuest. One aspect that has me leaning towards purchasing DungeonQuest is that their characters can be used in Runebound. Has anyone played with any of the DungeonQuest characters in Runebound? If so, what did you think? Are any of the Dungeonquest characters similar to characters currently available in Runebound or any of the big box expansions? I have all the big box expansions except for Midnight, so I do have plenty of characters to draw from, but there is always room for more if they work well in Runebound.

Thanks for any thoughts anyone has regarding the DungeonQuest characters with respect to their use in Runebound!

Krutzbeck and Hugo are pretty close to top-tier in RB for me, Krutzbeck holds the record for the fastest win to date. Gherinn isn't all that great, but isn't unplayable, you can win with him, just like any other character. Been a while since my last RB plays, but my recollection is that K and H are the best, the other four fit nicely in with the other RB characters, at least in terms of power level.

Oh, I only own base + SoAK as expansions that have characters in them.

You can also use the DQ characters in Runewars, I have done so in both games and really ties in the world of Terrinoth(sp)

DQ3 did not go over well with my group, but the character cards for RB2 have been used some. Yes, these characters play differently in the two games, as the mechanics are very different and the attributes of the characters do not match up between the games in any real way. Overall, most of my group prefers characters originally created for RB. The crossover between the games is purely superficial, as DQ at its core is not truly set in Terrinoth by the way it is built (rather that decorated and labeled). Still, some fun is to be had with the extra characters, just don't expect it to really do anything to tie the two games together except in ambiance only.

One thing to look at that has been covered better by others elsewhere are the Mind / Body / Spirit attributes of RB characters ... in that order. Mind is best for the early third of the game. Body is the middle game and the overall balance point. Spirit is needed in the end or often you'll get pulped. Looking at additional characters this way can help you see not only the best tactics for gearing them up but also which ones will have an edge when playing the base endgame or any variants / big box expansions. And yet, when played correctly, I've used a Mind heavy character all the way to end and won.

There is no such comparison in DQ, so therein is another hint to why the characters don't play to the same advantages, one to the next, in both games. DQ characters have attributes that are spread out for equal application throughout the game. There is no way that such and approach between game systems will ever allow perfect crossover between the games.