Essential Collection - sold out ?

By gondu, in Runebound

Hello and happy new year everybody!

I was searching the net for some of Runebound´s "small" expansions and realized that the Essential Collection doesn´t seem to be available anywhere.

Is it sold out ? Will it be reprinted again ? Or will the 6 expansions it contains just be sold separatedly in the future ?

If anyone knows anything about it, I would appreciate it!

Bye :-)

gondu said:

I was searching the net for some of Runebound´s "small" expansions and realized that the Essential Collection doesn´t seem to be available anywhere.

Is it sold out ? Will it be reprinted again ? Or will the 6 expansions it contains just be sold separatedly in the future ?

I highly doubt the expansions will be sold separately (unless perhaps a local store decides to crack open the Essentials set to do so.) If they had proven viable being sold separately I don't think FFG would have started bundling them in the first place.

As far as being reprinted, I don't see anything for it on the Upcoming page, although it's possible that it just hasn't been put on the schedule yet. Sitting in that limbo where they need to do a reprint soon but haven't actually ordered it yet.

I just saw a copy of it on the shelf at the FLS in my hometown while I was home for the holidays, though, so there are still a few copies floating around. If you haven't checked with local stores yet, you may want to make a few phone calls.