Vampire Lair Question

By Razaele, in Fury Of Dracula

Me and my friends had a debate about the Vampire Lair card, specifically because of the way it was worded. It says that o"You may attempt to destroy 1 of the Vampires that he has planted around Europe." I that this statement was merely flavor text, and that the only requirement for it's activation is at least one victory point for Dracula. They argued otherwise, stating that according to the card they have to fight a vampire that Dracula planted, meaning there has to be a New Vampire on the trail. Which one is correct?

TL;DR: Does Vampire Lair require you to have both at least one victory point for Dracula AND a New Vampire in his trail?

I've always seen this as mere flavour text; besides, the 6 on the vampire track represents the moment Dracula has created a vampire empire, thus it's legitimate to say that some new vampires are scattered here and there even if not on the track. I'll definitely consider this card per se, with the only triggering condition of 1 point on the Vampire Track for Dracula

Happy New Year to everybody!

None of the text on the card is flavour text, it is all mechanics, however, I do agree with Julia. The card doesn't make mention of fighting a new vampire token, it doesn't say Dracula needs to reveal one on the trail or that there even needs to be one there. It says you fight a combat "as if you were fighting Dracula" and that if the hunters score a wound or a kill, the track moves back 1. The only prerequisite mentioned is that the track must have advanced by at least 1 beforehand.

Also note that the FAQ clarifies that this is not actually a fight against Dracula, so effects like Sister Agatha would not apply, but effects that can be used against any vampire (like garlic) still do.

I see. Alright guys, thanks for the answers!