Space Dock question...

By Sinfullyvannila, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition

I was under the impression that you cannot build at a space dock the turn it comes into play. Upon further reading I can't find any rules reference to that rule.

So can you build at a space dock produced this turn?

Sinfullyvannila said:

I was under the impression that you cannot build at a space dock the turn it comes into play. Upon further reading I can't find any rules reference to that rule.

So can you build at a space dock produced this turn?

You are correct, you cannot build units at a space dock just produced this round. The reason you couldn't find the rule is because you were probably looking under the rules for how to build units at a space dock (how foolish.) In fact, the rule is mentioned just above that section, in the section about building space docks themselves:

(TI3 Rulebook, page 26)

In order to build a new Space Dock on a planet, the following requirements must be met:

1) The system (that contains the planet on which you want to build the Space Dock) has just been activated, and is currently at the “Production” step of the
Activation or Transfer Sequence.

2) The active player must have controlled the planet for the entire current round. Thus, it is not possible to build a Space Dock on a planet that has just been acquired during the current round.

3) The planet does not already contain a Space Dock (only one Space Dock per planet is allowed).

4) The system does not contain any enemy ships.

If these requirements are met, the activating player may take an available Space Dock from his reinforcements, spend 4 resources, and place the Space Dock on the chosen planet. Next round the Space Dock may begin producing units for its owner. It is important to remember that a Space Dock is tied to a specific planet and is not considered to be “in space” and so does not participate in Space Battle, nor can it be attacked directly by enemy ships.

FFG is infamous for this sort of tomfoolery. They seem to be getting better about organizing their rulebooks in more recent games, but TI3 is still from an era where confusion and the sore lack of indexes was felt far and wide.

Steve-O said:

You are correct, you cannot build units at a space dock just produced this round. The reason you couldn't find the rule is because you were probably looking under the rules for how to build units at a space dock (how foolish.) In fact, the rule is mentioned just above that section, in the section about building space docks themselves:

(TI3 Rulebook, page 26)

In order to build a new Space Dock on a planet, the following requirements must be met:

1) The system (that contains the planet on which you want to build the Space Dock) has just been activated, and is currently at the “Production” step of the
Activation or Transfer Sequence.

2) The active player must have controlled the planet for the entire current round. Thus, it is not possible to build a Space Dock on a planet that has just been acquired during the current round.

3) The planet does not already contain a Space Dock (only one Space Dock per planet is allowed).

4) The system does not contain any enemy ships.

If these requirements are met, the activating player may take an available Space Dock from his reinforcements, spend 4 resources, and place the Space Dock on the chosen planet. Next round the Space Dock may begin producing units for its owner. It is important to remember that a Space Dock is tied to a specific planet and is not considered to be “in space” and so does not participate in Space Battle, nor can it be attacked directly by enemy ships.

FFG is infamous for this sort of tomfoolery. They seem to be getting better about organizing their rulebooks in more recent games, but TI3 is still from an era where confusion and the sore lack of indexes was felt far and wide.

The rules ARE very unclear at times, but you're answering a question about whether or not he can build a space dock, not whether or not you can build at a space dock acquired this round. Here's the response I got from the CSR himself:

It isn''t very "anti-rules lawyer" in the rulebooks and faq but can a Space Dock produce units on the same game round that it''s built? For example: If I build a Space Dock and later in the round another player uses the Production strategy card, may that Space Dock that I built produce units or not?
No. A space dock may NEVER build units during the same round it was built.

itschowda said:

The rules ARE very unclear at times, but you're answering a question about whether or not he can build a space dock, not whether or not you can build at a space dock acquired this round. Here's the response I got from the CSR himself:

I suggest you go back and read my post more carefully. In particular, read the parts that are not quoted from the rulebook.

The pertinent passage from the quote, which I highlighted in bold, reads "Next round the space dock may begin producing units for its owner." This is a direct answer to the OP's question, it's just not contained in the section of the rules one might expect.

Steve-O 1

itschowda 0

Hi! I just bought the game and I want to know if my understanding of the rules concerning the timing for building unit is good.

A game round consist of 1 Strategy phase, 1 Action phase and 1 Status phase.

In round 1, I reach a new planet and take control of it during a tactical action of the action phase. We continue playing this action phase (each players taking as much action as he cans in the order of play) until all players have passed. Then it is the status phase and the round 1 end.

In round 2, during a tactical action or transfer action of the action phase, I can build a space dock on this planet (if all conditions are true). We continue playing this action phase (each players taking as much action as he cans in the order of play) until all players have passed. Then it is the status phase and the round 2 end.

In round 3, during a tactical action or transfer action of the action phase, I can build one or many units at this Space Dock (if all conditions are true).

If the Imperial Stategy card is picked every round the game might last from 7 to 10 rounds (because of the Game Over objective card) so it seems to me that we need to rush to control planet early in the game if we want to have time to build units.

Is that it? It takes really 3 complete rounds to build units?

Thank you.

Edited by electrojacques

Electrojacques: In a way yes, in a way no.

1. You do have your starting spacedock, so you can begin producing there right away. Of course, I know that's not entirely what you were asking.

2. The short answer is yes, it takes 3 rounds to begin producing units in a system other than your homeworlds. One to take the system, one to build the dock, one to build the units. So as far as expansion is concerned...yes, if there is a system nearby with really good production values, you may want to go for it early. Granted, if you're playing something like Hacan who has a really solid starting system, you may not need it as badly.

Note that I highly suggest getting shattered empire. While some people are a fan of the core strategy cards, they are usually regarded as inferior to the alternative ones introduced in the expansion packs. Not only does it get rid of the guaranteed 2 points for nothing, but it adjusts the pace at which the objective cards come out, so the game ends less abruptly.

Those who do want to play with the originals will often substitute in the "Imperial II" strategy card, which is somewhat breaks the "Must Pick" cycle of strategy cards 1 and 8.

Edited by Bowoodstock

Thank you for the answer. We have played our first game and it works well but we made (at least) one mistake. In the first action phase, we activated a system to build unit and then we activated an adjacent system in the second action phase to move in those units but we realised later on that units in an already activated system cannot move away from that system. I'll keep in mind your suggestion concerning the expansion packs but for now we stand with the core game.

Do note that there are ways to remove activation tokens from the board allowing you to build (and move out) units several times from the same system. It does take at least 4 turns within the same round though.

Activate to build -> Remove token -> Move units to another system (so as to not lock these units down with the next activation and also making sure fleet supply limit is not an issue) -> Activate to build -> Repeat if possible.

If memory serves, the Military SC lets you take one activation token back. And I think there is also an Action Card that does the same.

Yes, warfare retrieves a command token from the board.

The secondary ability of Imperial (I think it's imperial) also allows you to build at a space dock, without activating the system and whether or not it has been activated.

We will continue to explore the Galaxie and the game possibilities soon.

Indeed. Do remember the following also. A system with more than one dock can build at all of them (Important for system build cap). What's more, With enviro compensator, and sarween tools, you get more than one free resource to play with. This is why most Hacan players just build all docks in their home system. 3 free resources per build is amazing. Now, this doesn't mean you can funnel all 3 into one massive build, the free resource must be used at the individual dock it was produced at. (That is, you still need at least 11 production, not 9, to build a war sun), You're more than welcome to use those extra resources to fill up its hangar bay, or make a destroyer escort!