Emotion got the best of me.

By Sarge77, in Fortress America

I had posted I was thinking of boycotting FFG reference the anti-america storyline. I appreciate the apology and have withdrawn my original post. I was angrier than I should have been.

I'm having a hard time understanding how anybody could get offended over the fictional storyline to a game. It's a game! I'm pretty sure the Arabs weren't stoked when GMT released "Labyrinth: The War On Terror" but that's fine with us. Then FFG releases a paragraph of story fluff that depicts America as the fictional villian and everyone freaks out. I don't get it. It's just a game. Guess what, most of the world doesn't like America for real. That's for keeps.

I for one, find America's stance within the game somewhat hilarious. It's like, "Starship Troopers" level ridiculous. Though I'm Canadian, so I suppose it doesn't hit as close to home.

I would have preferred a version where America was the villain, this isn't "anti-American". As stated above, it's a game with a fantasy scenario - not a political or historical statement.