Solo Descent?

By Tromdial, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I haven't played Descent in a long time and most of my friends are uninterested either because they could play DnD or the play time is too long. I on the other hand would like to get my money's worth and explore if the game can be solo-able. Has anyone any information on adapting the game for one-player? I imagine it would be more a draw-card and play Keeper mode versus threat-gain. Any advice?

I'm afraid that playing Descent solo would be quite dull, as it removes any real surprise element and interaction between players. However, Descent is not for casual gamers and I know that there is a difficult in proposing it. I had the same problem with my gaming group and I simply put Descent aside for more than 1 year. Then, when we got tired of straightforward games like Talisman, Runebound and WoW: The Adventure Game, I brought back Descent and it was welcomed with interest.

There are some ideas for solo Descent on Boardgamegeek. Try this:

I've never thought about trying those rules, so I'm just addressing your search. I can't recommend anything.

The link is very welcome. Thank you for that and your two-cents. I can't wait till 2nd Edition and the conversion kit. I may get people playing it then if it cuts down on time.

actually I have bought whole set, descent with all expansions, perfect condition, for 200EUR.

i will start playing soon, I hope.

use BBG for Descent, there are a lot of rules and addons

Tromdial said:

The link is very welcome. Thank you for that and your two-cents. I can't wait till 2nd Edition and the conversion kit. I may get people playing it then if it cuts down on time.

I don't know if 2e will cut down on play time per se. But it has been said to contain many "convenient stopping points" so you can quit whenever you want and finish it later. I expect this will work much like the Advanced Campaign save game system does in 1e.