Want to buy complete sets!

By ncervellati, in 5. AGoT Trade Forum

Greetings everyone!!

After a break in 2005, I decided that I want to complete my collection of 1x AGoT cards. I am looking for the following complete sets:

Winter edition

A Song of Twilight

A Song of Night

Iron Throne edition

House of Thorns

House of Talons

Five Kings

I'm not really into the competitive game anymore, but I have read here and there that at the moment there isn't much movement in the game. I have yet to decide if the LCG is worth me giving it a try. As things seem to have shifted towards non-CCG, maybe there's someone who wants to get rid of his/her old cards. I'm the man for you!

Waiting for your answers,


i should be able to help you out with at leats half of that order.

I've sent you a friend request, accept that and you can see me e-mail. (these boards do not have a pm system).

I have all above sets (Winter block a lot of german cards). Send me email with your offer for each edition or for all of them:

[email protected]

Thanks for the interest guys!


We are friends now, but I still see your email address on hidden status. I guess I could post my email here. We can talk at ncervellati @ gmail.com (without the empty spaces; you'll never know if there are email scammers around).


Sure we can talk. I have a basic training in German, but none of the people who should/could play with me. Are all your collection mixed or just the Winter edition and Winter expansions? (I don't know if the multiple language continued after winter edition).


P.S. no PM isn't really a plus for a message board...

fixed the hidden (i think i set that up before i knew how the game worked).

Only Winter block is mixed. ITE 5KE and new chapters all in ENG

I have many of those cards for trade or sale.