[Sell] House Martell 97 Cards LCG legal

By berto, in 5. AGoT Trade Forum

Because I play Mrtell house this list is very small. I wuldn't even give this if someone wouldn't request this.

You have 97 LCG legal cards designed for House Martell coming usually from earlier chapter packs except CP9.

If you are interested drop me an email: berto[at]decktech.eu

Price: $ 15

Here card list:

97 House Martell LCG Cards

Maester of War 2
Besiegers of Dorne 6
Dornish Chariot 6
Field Spikes 3
Herald of the Sun 3
Vendor of Venoms 6
Observation Point 3
War Scorpion 3

Starfall Bannerman 3
Knights of the Sun 3
? Obara Sand 1
Underhanded Assassin 6
Rookery of Sunspear 3
Refugee of the Citadel 3
Pit Viper 3
Desert Exiles 3

Flea Bottom Scavenger 3
Lost Oasis 2
? The Red Viper 2
The Viper's Rage 5

House Dayne Squire 6
? Starfall 6
Burning on the Sand restricted 3

Southron Vessel 3

Summer Sea 3
Battle of Oxcross 1
Let My Porridge Fly 1
Threat from the North 1
The Red Wedding 1
Attack from the Sea 1
Alliance 1
To the Spears! 1

I have big offers for Lanni,Bara, Stark and Greyjoy, and much smaller for Targ. List of cards for other houses will come soon.

If you want to buy all as a lot, it will be around 2500-3000 cards for which I want 600 $

Collection has been sold