Ser Davos Seaworth Question - Core Set

By orclrob, in 2. AGoT Rules Discussion

Ser Davos Seaworth's Response is: Save Ser Davos Seaworth from being killed, then pay 1 gold or return him to his owner's hand.

Does this mean that if we save Ser Davos by some means, that we then need to pay 1 gold to keep him there? Or is there some erratta that I am missing? I would think "Kneel to Save Ser Davos Seaworth from being killed, then pay 1 gold or return him to his owner's hand" would be appropriate.

Thanks in advance..

orclrob said:

Does this mean that if we save Ser Davos by some means, that we then need to pay 1 gold to keep him there? Or is there some erratta that I am missing? I would think "Kneel to Save Ser Davos Seaworth from being killed, then pay 1 gold or return him to his owner's hand" would be appropriate.

There's no errata. Maybe what you're missing is the implication of the fact that his ability is a "Response." Since it is a Response, is only activates when you trigger it. So, if you use his Response to save him, then yeah, you have to pay the 1 gold or return him to hand. But if you save him with some other effect like a duplicate or something like that, then you haven't activated his effect and you don't have to pay the gold.

Just thought I'd mention...

Orclrob RSS Topic Feed | Published on 31 January 2009 - 14:19:55

ktom Reply #1 | Published on 31 January 2009 - 14:19:55

This is by far the quickest I've ever seen a question answered.

ahhh ok.. Now I understand. Thank you very much