House sets...?

By Bayushi Ryuken, in A Game of Thrones LCG

Do any of you guys know when the House sets for Lannister and Greyjoy are due to be re-released?

From what I understand they intend to release them with 3 of each card in rather than the previous this correct?

Kings of the Sea (the GJ deluxe expansion) has already been released in the x3 format. It is possible that it's currently out of print again, but if so, it should resurface soon enough.

The Lanni deluxe expansion Lions of the Rock is scheduled for release in December. We should see the announcement soon. This is a new product. Like all new Releases, it is in the x3 format.

If you meant to ask about Martell, the situation here is the same as with GJ.


I recommend instead, if you're based in Europe. They have planty in stock at € 24,-

Good to see they do CoreSet split decks too if I wanted to beef up the cards of one house without buying a whole other Core set. Interesting. Now if only the Euro wasn't so strong against the pound! Now could be the time to buy I suppose...