Can the OL move the Eyes of Thara

By EmpathyBot, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Can the OL move the Eyes of Thara with the Poltergeist card?

EmpathyBot said:

Can the OL move the Eyes of Thara with the Poltergeist card?

Play at the start of your turn. Move all figures and tokens (but not obstacles) up to 2 spaces, however you choose. Then, you may close any or all doors in the dungeon.

Eyes of Thara
Discard after equipping at the start of your turn and place the Eyes of Thara marker in your current space. The overlord player cannot spawn monsters within line of sight of the marker, just as if it were a hero. Once placed, the marker cannot be moved.

AoD pg3
7 Miscellaneous Markers
1 Eyes of Thara Marker

AoD pg4
The Eyes of Thara marker is used by the “Eyes of Thara” silver treasure card.

So, no. The Eyes of Thara is a Marker not a token.

OTOH, the rules are not consistent in their use of terms.
Potions and relicts are things which are considered tokens in the rules, yet they are noted as markers in the components section. Props are represebted by tokens according to pg

So take your pick. Toss a dice. Draw a straw.
I'd come down on the side of 'not' from a rules perspective, but the case is not tight.

I was on the side of no, simply due to the wording on the Eyes of Thara card, but the OL was on the side of yes, because it was on the board.

Do to the bad wording of the rules, my groups consider any thing placed on the board not considered a door or figure a token. Though we all play ac, so the poptergeist question has never come up.

"once placed, the marker cannot be moved"

I think that if you simplify reading the rule, it means just that... cannot be moved after you place it. Neither by heroes not by overlords, through any means.

Otherwise the rule would say something like "once placed, the hero cannot move it"