What developer tools were used to create this app?

By egillespie, in Elder Sign: Omens

I'm playing around with developing mobile apps and I tried this game out last night. I love the rich graphical interface and the transitions between the game and various types of intros and cut-scenes. What kinds of tools did the developers use to create this app across multiple platforms and still allow for this highly graphical interface?

Was it Flash Builder, native code, a combination of both, or something totally different? I'd love to know!

No idea. I would have thought they used native program (Xcode for iOS and Mac OS X), but when I opened the contents of the app bundle, it showed that they used one framework: Mono embed runtime. Looks like they used Mono (.net) for some parts of the game at least. Whether they used Cocoa + Mono, I don't know.

The embedded Mono runtime library is a nice clue. It looks like there's a framework created by Xamarin that allows you to build cross-platform phone apps using C# and the .Net platform. It looks like you have to buy two different products from them if you want to build for both iOS and Android though so it'll end up costing between $800 and $2,000 for their tools.

The tool looks pretty slick and it looks like a number of large businesses have utilized Xamarin's products. I'm still checking out Flash Builder but I might try the Xamarin/Mono stuff out too.