Items in the Bag

By Coriolanus, in Elder Sign: Omens

I love the game. I'll start off by saying that. It's a great challenge. I've gotten oh so close a number of times only to have have the world ripped apart and my investigators torn asunder. LOVE IT.

However, there are a few bugs, but the two that 'bug' me the most is that in any game I play at some point the Yellow Glyph and/or Red Glyph start going grayed out and I can't access them or use them at all during the game. Related to that is there is one glyph that says you can use it to get the Red AND Yellow glyph but about 80% of the time it only gives me one of them.

I do apologize if this has been noted elsewhere. I read through the forum and couldn't find mention of it.

By the way it happens in both my iphone version and the stand alone app version for my desktop (yes, I love the game so much I paid for both versions.)



This also happens in the Android version.

You do realise that both the red and/or yellow glyphs can get locked on certain adventures/monsters so that until you have defeated that adventure or monster the glpyhs cannot be used?

You aren't just experiencing that are you and not realising it?

I've got the iphone version but don't recall seeing this bug

I'm also wondering if you have gotten some locked glyphs (even green ones). I've played alot on Android (Asus Transformer) and have not experienced anything like this.

pumpkin said:

You do realise that both the red and/or yellow glyphs can get locked on certain adventures/monsters so that until you have defeated that adventure or monster the glpyhs cannot be used?

You aren't just experiencing that are you and not realising it?

I've got the iphone version but don't recall seeing this bug

OK. I guess that was the "problem". It is not mentioned in the rules I believe.

Thanks for the info!

When it happens, on the main screen when you highlight an adventure you will see a red yellow or green lock icon in the top middle of the screen and the adventure detailed screen should have the words (colour) glyph locked.

"We need to find help" locks the red glyph, for example

I will absolutely keep an eye out for this the next time I play and report back. Was driving me nuts. Hopefully it was just me missing the obvious.


pumpkin said:

When it happens, on the main screen when you highlight an adventure you will see a red yellow or green lock icon in the top middle of the screen and the adventure detailed screen should have the words (colour) glyph locked.

"We need to find help" locks the red glyph, for example

If memory serves, there are three adventures that lock glyphs:

  • We Need To Find Help locks red.
  • Gala in the Great Hall locks yellow.
  • Did You Hear That? locks green.

Also, Hounds of Tindalos and Fire Vampires lock yellow and High Priests lock red.

It's easy to tell which adventure locks a glyph, as there is a pulsing circle of the appropriate colour around its map pin.

Turns out everyone was right. I was missing the 'locking' mechanism that some of the elements have.

Everything is on track now and I've had no other 'issues' - self inflicted or no.

Absolutely love this game.

Thanks to all!


Just bought the game today, came to the forum and found my question already posted and answered. Amazing! happy.gif Thanks to everybody who takes time to help out their fellow gamers.