Days of Ice and Fire News?

By Rubinon, in Battles of Westeros

So... did anyone attend this event? What news about Battles of Westeros were to be heard or seen there?

I read somewhere about new alternate commander cards (I'm not able to find the source anymore). What about new scenarios? The next expansion? It's been too quiet for too long!!

I agree, it has been quiet. I'm wanting a big box expansion with a new house or two (not alliance units, but a seperate house).

I'd also like scenarios that allow a mix of expansion units to be played together, e.g. Stark with Tully units (including WOTN units) vs Lannister with clansmen (includind WOTW expansion untis). I know you can do this with skirmish decks but a set scenario would be better.

Last Years Promo Cards are in the FFG Sale but news on this years event for BoW seems to be lacking.I'm just waiting for my Brothers w/o Banners preorder.I see it as a positive sign that aside from the promo Cards nothing from BoW was in FFG Sale( which usually is stuff FFG wants to clear out as it's not selling).


My theory is that we'll get a major expansion with an unallied House to go with the beginning of season two of Game of Thrones. It's the only thing that explains Brotherhood Without Banners. The expansion proves it's selling well enough to support, but surely Baratheon or Greyjoy would sell more. Why focus on the smaller factions until you run out of the bigger factions?

Brotherhood Without Banners exists to fill in time.

It wouldn't surprise me to see a new core set featuring Lannister and Baratheon that was Battle of Blackwater Bay themed. It means we get a lot of Lannister stuff but if you're going to wait for season two you'd want it to be as thematic as possible.

A new base set (or major expansion) would be way cool. Even if I would have to play Stannis (don't particularly like him, but then, who does...)

I don't know. It seems like FFG left BoW just like it left Battlelore. Few expansions and off you go. From my perspective the upcoming expansion is some kind of joke. I was really looking forward to playing some other houses. I bought first two expansions and was waiting to get my hands on some Beratheons or Greyjoys but then came those stupid ally expansions. Don't get me wrong, I bought the Tullys today and I will probably buy the Clans but the Brotherhood? Why did they even considered brotherhood a faction? It makes just as much sense as giving us Salladhor Saan's pirates or the never appearing troops of Greywater watch, oh I know maybe give us the Faceless men after that. I hope their mechanic will be that you dont have your own miniatures, you just take half of your oponents forces and fight with them. No new miniatures , cards or tokens needed. Just an extra scenario book and a small sheet for the new rules and you can bill the players next 30$ for this sweet expansion. I hope that people here have some kind of time machine and these big expansion for the premiere of the second season will come true or BoW will not get any more money out of my wallet.

PS: Stannis and his crew are my favourite characters and I would gladly let all starks die if it would perserve the champions of R'hllor

This is the importance of being a bit more transparent with their customers.

If FFG let the public know what houses were being planned, then people would be more likely to continue purchasing. If they just trickle them out with no news of what is next, people will stop and wait to see if it will be supported with major houses. Then it looks like people aren't interested as the sales data isn't that high. Its a self perpetuating issue that could be resolved with a bit more transparency - same goes for Battlelore.

It might be just as you said.

I don't recall any game which was posted in the 'upcoming' section and wasn't realized. We even got gears of war after a long wait. I know that FFG main selling point is their reliability and giving the customers all the products they announce but in this case it backfired. I remember the inteview with the game creator at d6 generation podcast. He was very cryptic about what they had in mind for upcoming expansions in case some of the ideas would be tuned down.

Warning: There are spoilers hidden in this post.

Grandmikus, I disagree with your assessment of the Brotherhood. They are far more important than the troops of Greywater Watch gui%C3%B1o.gif

Beric and his men not only play an important role in the books two to four (whereas we only know about three people of Greywater Watch), but they fit the Riverlands theme this game has developed so far much better than for example the clansmen-expansion. I'm really looking forward to being able to buy these Merry Men (when they come out in German), and to pit them against the Lannisters - or, for that matter, against Edmure Tully.

But I'm also looking forward to the next expansion featuring one of the great houses. I agree that a "Battle of Blackwater Bay" would be a great introduction for House Baratheon. Maybe they could make it a Baratheon vs. Tyrell expansion instead of Baratheon - Lannister.

Or maybe FFG could combine both approaches: They could give us the Ironmen and in combination with that the troops of Greywater Watch (eg the Crannogmen). That would make for a few interesing scenarios surrounding Moat Cailin, I think.

The great thing about a Battle of Blackwater Bay expansion, besides the fact we'd get a third major faction, is that it might have rules for sieges, warships, new rules for catapults, and/or the "dragon's fire" used by Lannister against the Baratheon ships. There's a lot of room for major additions to the game that would add a lot of variety.

Then we'd just be missing campaign rules to make this the ultimate fantasy wargame.

Personally, I'm not all that keen on new big rule additions or changes. I think BoW is a very fine game as is. One new terrain type and a new unit ability per expansion is just the right pace for me. Most urgently I would like to have more scenarios, especially ones combining the existing expansions. There are lots of opportunities within the timeframe and region covered by the game. Not nearly all battles are covered, and there's a lot more that's just briefly mentioned in the books - just as one example, after the battle of Oxcross the Greatjon captured the Lannister gold mines. That could certainly be made into a scenario (or even more than one).

Note that this does not mean I'm against big expansions or campaign rules. Any size of expansion is fine with me, as long as it isn't no expansions .