Hello, total noob here...

By Renlaan, in Warhammer Invasion Community

i was refered here through my local fantasy shop because i was looking to get into playing and collecting. it would be great if someone could hook me up with info or some links to help me get started.

thanks alot in advance. im in the st. louis missouri area if that helps at all.

1. FFG released rules and FAQ 1.5 give all information necessary for rules and errata&rulings on cards (very important since a lot of cards happen to have pretty vague phrasing): both can be found on WHI FFG website. That should be enough to have minimum of questions about the game.

2. Deckbox.org has info on cards released which is useful in looking and thinking about cards. It also lists hundreds of different prebuilt decks (most of them suck, but some are very good and won different tournaments): deckbox.org =) Gives some insight into how the people think about decks and deckbuilding in general.

3. OCTGN WHI plugin could be useful for the same purpose if you try to tinker your own deck solo: don't remember the link, but it's easy to find through Google. Just a useful tool to have.

4. These forums have a lot of discussions about cards not discussed in FAQ and on how to bulid decks/which cards to use. It also useful since there is a bunch of threads discussing which battle packs and extensions are useful for a player who wants to concentrate on certain faction or just which battle packs and expansions to buy first at all.

FAQ 1.6 is out now.

You can go to Coolstuff.inc and you can get some killer deals I purchased a complete set of everything for under 400 bucks and compared to CCGs thats nothing