Possible workaround for recent crashing problem

By Hawksbill, in Elder Sign: Omens

I read that at least one person fixed the crashing problem by reinstalling and choosing "phone" rather than "tablet". This didn't work for me. However, I did find a fix that did resolve the problem.

I noticed that Elder Sign: Omens automatically installed to the SD card. So, I unmounted and removed the SD card, then uninstalled and reinstalled the game, forcing it to install to the main memory of my device. I also chose "phone" rather than "tablet", just in case. After that, the game worked perfectly. I even won a game for the first time, which was a nice plus. (I'm using a Samsung Galaxy Player 5.0 FWIW)

This did work for me - instead of uninstalling completely, I just selected "Download Cache" from the Options menu and then selected "phone". It redownloaded and seemed to fix the crashing.

This worked for me, too, on my Samsung Galaxy S (Vibrant). I didn't bother trying to just re-download the cache; I just uninstalled, re-installed and then re-downloaded the cache (which it did not prompt me to do -- I had to do that manually).

Thank you!

Problem solved by tonight's follow up patch. Thank you, FFG, for a timely resolution!