Can you attack a teammate?

By Schummy, in Gears of War: The Board Game

Hi all,

yesterday I was playing the China Shop scenario with two players. I found myself in a strange situation: I wasn't able to attack any locust and hadn't any grenade, so the only mean to make the Berserker advance was to attack my teammate. Could I do that? I searched the rules, but found nothing saying that teammate is not a legal target for an attack and nothing saying that cogs can attack only locusts, so I attacked her (actually, the other player was my girlfriend).

Result: I attacked her (who was in cover) with the normal attack of the snub pistol: I rolled 2 wounds on my attack dice and only 1 shield on her 3 defense dice dealing her 1 damage. The Berserker advanced and during AI resolution step she advanced again, moving into my girlfriend's area and attacking her dealing 4 damage and leaving her alive but without any order card... (she was very angry at me :) )

see below my comment..i made mistake of posting twice!

If all you wanted was to move the berserker, then you could make an attack to her with the snub..even though the shot will cuase h er no damage she would still have to move due to the sound of the shot. The rules say nothing about not beeing able to attack the berserker this only says that you cannot deal her damage until you have first damaged her with the hammer of dawn. You could have also thrown a grenade to seal an emergece hole to make her move towards where the granade landed too. ..We use either one of these rules. Remember that if you use the snub shot rule then teh berserker moves towards the person who made the shot eh!....I do not know if some people would consider this cheating or not..but it makes sense in the video game..we use shots to move her when we want her to move towards us until we can go outside for the hammer of dawn. Anyways...have a nice day.

samruiz123 said:

If all you wanted was to move the berserker, then you could make an attack to her with the snub..even though the shot will cuase h er no damage she would still have to move due to the sound of the shot. The rules say nothing about not beeing able to attack the berserker this only says that you cannot deal her damage until you have first damaged her with the hammer of dawn. You could have also thrown a grenade to seal an emergece hole to make her move towards where the granade landed too. ..We use either one of these rules. Remember that if you use the snub shot rule then teh berserker moves towards the person who made the shot eh!....I do not know if some people would consider this cheating or not..but it makes sense in the video game..we use shots to move her when we want her to move towards us until we can go outside for the hammer of dawn. Anyways...have a nice day.

Hi, thanks for your response but I think you didn't get my point. I know (and it's also in the faq) that I can attack the berserker in order to attract her even if I wouldn't wound her, and also that I can throw a grenade to attract her towards the targeted area.

In the situation I reported, I wasn't able to do either of the two: I couldn't attack the berserker because I had no LOS to her (also had no LOS to any other locust figure), nor I could throw a grenade (I ran out of grenade tokens...)

When I wrote that "I attacked her with the snub pistol" I was referring to my girlfriend's cog figure (which was the only figure in LOS for my cog). My question is "Can I attack a cog, or I have to attack locusts/emergency holes only?"

(Sorry if I was not so clear: English is not my native language)

forgive me..I mistake...well, if you had no where to shoot except your cog buddy...then....i dont know what to say.....mmmm....interesting situation....let's see whatothers have to say.

The Hell with the rules..attacking ones GF in a co-op game is never a good move sorpresa.gif .The situation is however interesting leaving the GF aside,it's a House Rule thing unless FFG chooses to make a ruling.

I would not allow it mainly as it's not in the "Spirit of the Game" to just attack another Geer (I know the Bolo allows you to indirectly do this but the Geer in this case is not the main target).Also if you don't have LoS how know where the Berserker is at(well you can obviously see but your Geer can't).

The FAQ does say you can't just play a card to attack nothing so you can't just fire a shot but I think attacking your team mate is taking advantage of the rule.


Old Dwarf said:

The FAQ does say you can't just play a card to attack nothing...

... and by the way, I think, this is a very stupid rule, because the Berserker is blind. So, he can't see whether a COG fires at a Locust or at a wall. The Berserker only hears a shot and moves that way.

Just for those interested in the question: I've finally got an official response from the game designer:

"No. COG players cannot ever attack other COGs."

So, it seems I've been ruling wrong :)

WOW!!! That really sux and is pretty stupid that you can't just spend an order card to fire blindly at the wall or the ground to draw the beserker closer! I mean in game its not like you have see any one at all to shot so my own official house rule is that "you may spend an order card at random to fire blindly with no intended targets."

I feel giving an order card at random will balance the blind fire affect :)

I think everyone is missing the point here.

Nothing said I can't shoot the wall, or just, RPG style, "I fire my gun." This happens in the videogame all the time. I realize that board gamers sometimes require everything written out before they'll move, but this is an instance where I think common sense over-rides other considerations. "I fire the pistol to draw her attention." You have to play a card as you would normally, but otherwise, you're just "firing a shot." Done.