Building Tiles

By Dcal12, in Dust Tactics Rules Discussion

I know the artillery rules for the building tiles released in operation SeeLowe, but what of the non-snow tiles in Operation Blue Thunder, can you use artillery?

What about Operation Cyclone, the scenarios with the submarine, again is that considered indoors so no artillery?

I remember talking about this on here a long time ago, but I forgot what the consensus is. I don't think it is allowed.

We did allow someone to use artillery in scenario 7 Destruction in the Operation Blue Thunder Scenario book on Saturday for the Dust Tactics League.



The rules are pretty clear about the use of artillery weapons in those "inside the base" tiles, you just can't do it.

Loophole Master said:

The rules are pretty clear about the use of artillery weapons in those "inside the base" tiles, you just can't do it.

Thats what I thought, thanks Loop.

You can always assign indoor or outdoor status to terrain tiles. The base scenarios are written as indoors, but self built scenarios or simply variety for play can assume an outdoor sub dock, or covered tarmac for the machined tiles. You could also use the snow tiles as a large cavern that blocked indirect fire.

I think the scenarios are interesting played both ways, because it adds more elements for players to work with.