Perfect for new players to start LCG and/or CCG - cheap whole house card selection

By berto, in 5. AGoT Trade Forum

So if you want almost all house related card LCG legal for Houses: Baraethon, Lannister, Greyjoy and Stark, send me e-mail: berto[at]

It includes 1-2 Core set, all chapter packs and big expansion for Bara. For other you should additionally buy big expansion to have all cards.

You get them for much lower price then Chapter pack and core set.

Because I'm playing only Martell and Targeryan all other house related cards are for sell. Additionally you can get for very low fee house relatedcards from future chapters.

Same for CCG I have massive cards for all houses which I can sell house by house. Perfect for anyone who wants to have very solid CCG basement for Legacy format.

More info:

LCG set for new player to jump quickly and cheap to a game. Set includes almost all cards from all LCG chapters plus 2-3x Core Set

I will provide you list soon. But short message about the price:
I will calculate this as follows:
House cards from chapter 40 cards => 2 €
House cards from chapter 60 cards => 3 €

So we will have as follows. Cards from first 3 chapters 6 x 2 x 3 = 36 €
Chapter 4 Kings Landings 6 x 2 € + 2 x 3 € = 18 €
Chapter 5 and 6: 2 x 6 x 3 € = 36 €
Chapter 7: 2 x 3 € = 6 €
Core set 2-3 x 10 € = 20-30 €

So to summary there will be 116 € for Stark and Lanni, For Bara I have additionally King of The Storm (15 €) so it gives 131 €. For Greyjoy there is no Core set so 96 €.
For Targ I have 2 core sets and around 100 cards 40 € and Martell around 100 cards 20 €.

It gives 459 € for everything (except Targ and Martell) plus shipping 46 €
If someone takes everything I give additionally for free martell and targ and a lot of neutrals chain attachments and other.
List of card will be available soon if you want it. But it is almost complete set with some small exceptions.

Additionally subscription offer for any new chapter for houses except Targ and Martell including some other neutral cards for

1 house: 2,5 €
2 houses: 4,5 €
3 houses: 6 €
4 houses: 7 €

Sorry I made mistake in calculation for all houses. charging 2€ for each will give for 4 houses 8 € so it is the same as for chapter :) same for 4x 3 €.
If someone wants to take everything than I can sell them all for 350 €.

OK guys I finished all lists. Here is whole offer:

As I said perfect start set for new players who want to play with specific house not all of them.

Baratheon: $ 170 =>
Lannister: $ 130 =>
Stark: $ 140 =>
Greyjoy: $ 110 =>
Targaryen: $ 45 =>
Martell: $ 15 =>

Together for this LOT: 600 $ plus as a free bonus about 150 - 200 other not house related cards from all chapters.

Please contact me if you are interested: berto[at]